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Full-Stack Web Developer

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Contenu de l'offre Full-Stack Web Developer chez Alephd

Working at Oath / AlephD
Oath is a global leader in digital publishing (Yahoo, Huff post, Techcrunch) and monetization technologies. In 2016, Oath acquired AlephD, a French startup developing data-driven, real-time solutions for publishers, ranging from in-depth analytics to fully automated decision making in milliseconds for revenue optimization. To develop world-class analytics products for publishers, AlephD is recruiting well-rounded web-developers, thereby growing its Paris-based team.

Job Description
We are looking for full-stack web developers responsible for building our advanced analytics tools for Publishers which includes: Building backend APIs which expose data from various Big-Data and traditional databases (Vertica, Redis, Hadoop, MySQL, etc.) Architecting and maintaining backend data-sources and ensuring high performance and responsiveness to requests from the front-end. Building extensive, user-friendly dashboards and data visualizations built in Javascript.

Working closely with the product teams to build features quickly, iterate and re-iterate to find the best solutions to difficult problems. Interfacing with different internal and external systems and platforms for data retrieval, authentication and other needs. Design, implementation and maintenance of data pipelines. Contributions and improvements our CI/CD pipelines.

Our philosophy is that it is not important to check all the boxes of our requirements, but that your fundamentals are strong and you have an ability and desire to learn. So if your experience and knowledge is on only the backend or the frontend and you want to focus on only one of those, we are completely open to that possibility as well.

Profil recherché Skills & Qualifications:
Sound knowledge of web-related technologies and experience building web applications.
Experience in either backend frameworks such as Django/Rails/Node.js or front-end frameworks such as Angular/React/Ember/Vue.
Good knowledge / experience in SQL databases.
Experience with NoSQL and big-data technologies (Hadoop, Spark, Vertica, etc) is a plus.
Ability to design and create clean, maintainable and performant code and systems.
Good awareness of security and privacy considerations of web technologies.
Reasonable understanding of computer science fundamentals, algorithms, data structures and concurrent programming models.
General understanding of web standards, front-end technologies such as JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, CSS preprocessors, etc.
Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git or Mercurial.
Some experience with dev-ops on AWS a plus.Good score on Stack-overflow or meaningful projects on GitHub a plus.
English required; French is nice to have.

We offer:
A competitive package with great benefits and performance related pay
International environment with teams from around the world
An excellent start-up work environment, flat hierarchies and short decision paths
Flexible working time

ParisFree Food (Breakfast, lunch and snacks)
Full medical coverageFriendly, intellectually stimulating atmosphere
Cpf final 4

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Full-Stack Web Developer
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