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Contenu de l'offre R&D LAB DATA SCIENTIST chez Amaris

Amaris is an independent, international Technologies and Management Consulting Group. Created in 2007, Amaris is already established in over 50 countries and supports more than 850 clients worldwide throughout their project's lifecycle. Our expertise covers five areas of innovation: Business and Management, Information Technologies, Engineering and High Technologies, Telecommunications and Biotech and Pharma. With more than 65 offices across the world, the Group offers proximity support to its clients in all their locations and many opportunities of international careers for employees. In 2019, Amaris aims to reach a turnover of 350 million euros, 6500 employees and to develop its workforces with the anticipation of a further 2000 new job openings. We expect to triple our workforce within the next few years and reach a leading international position in independent consulting.

Your Role

The Innovation Department and the R&D Lab

“Watch innovation spark when different knowledges connect”

The innovation teams at the Amaris Group aim to connect researchers, users, engineers and decision makers to find the solutions of tomorrow. They are divided in 4 departments :
The R&D Lab in Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factories, in charge of developing and put in production projects The Start-Up Studio to put the products and services on the market An Open Innovation tool to connect all the users on a dedicated platform: JEF Label The AI R&D Lab is located in Sophia Antipolis with an international reach in Tunis and Ho Chi Minh. It has been made up only with creative engineers and PhDs able to push the technology to unforeseen uses.
They all work together to develop a unique expertise in the latest learning techniques and algorithms in R&D : Deep Learning, AutoML, Reinforcement Learning, GANs, Computer Vision, Visual Question Answering (VQA), Anomalies Dectection (RNN, LSTM, Auto-encoders) et NLP/NLU.

Job description

Today, to be able to answer to the internal and external needs, the R&D Lab team is expanding and we are actively looking for Data Scientists in Nice to work on innovative PoCs on both research and client sides :

Starting from a business need, design and develop a data product using data science algorithms and methods :

Need collection feasibility analysis data audit, definition of a methodology model development and optimization, delivery of the product to the client. Working on various business cases and data types
Participation to research on artificial intelligence
Technology Intelligence

Ideal Candidate
You have an engineering diploma with a Data Science specialisation or a similar master degree in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics/Statistics/Data Analysis/Data Science. You have at least 2 years of experience in a similar professional environment, ideally in various business cases (ex: marketing, health, finance, HR, etc.) where you have been problem-solving oriented. You have a solid ability to do statistical modelling, build predictive models and leverage machine learning algorithms.
You are proficient in Python and preferably Scikit-Learn, or another librairy (Pandas, Keras, TensorFlow, NLTK, Genism, NumPy or SciPy)
You are a proactive person who likes to learns new things day by day. You are curious, you like to understand the whole picture and to work with other members in a multidisciplinary team.
You like to push technologies to their full potential and twist them into unforeseen uses.
In a nutshell… If you are interested in working in unique and creative environment in Artificial Intelligence… if you wish to work in an international and challenging team… this offer is for you ! Practical information Location : Nice - France Type of contract : Permanent Language required : French – Fluent ; English - Good
Cpf final 4

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