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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist III chez American Express Global Business Travel

Would you like to be in the forefront of innovation in Business Travel? Does the idea of building products powered by data and machine learning excites you? Are you always looking for new data to improve your decision-making process? In Egencia, we are looking for passionate individuals with proven experience in building and putting in production E2E Machine Learning models to help us to extract value from large amounts of data. Egencia is a truly data-driven company and as such we use data to support every decision! We are looking for a curious and hard-working individual with strong analytical and strategic reasoning skills, and a dedication for self-improvement.

You will be part of a dynamic team who owns multiple end-to-end machine learning models. Our team has deployed models to do search ranking, user experience and revenue optimization, personalized contextual UI, optimize travel policy and savings for our customers. You will be responsible for translating business problems into mathematical solutions using statistical and machine learning solutions. You will then present your findings and inferences to business groups. You will collaborate with product managers, UX designers and developers.

What You’ll Do Solve business problems using Data Science and Machine Learning solutions. Manage Data Science and Machine Learning projects end to end, from envisioning to delivery. Apply inference or statistical methods to evaluate the quality and accuracy of the data. Analyze and visualize data to gather intuitions of ideal features and approaches. Choose and implement adequate Machine Learning models (supervised, unsupervised) using Python or Pyspark. Train, tune and evaluate these models using appropriate metrics. Conduct hypotheses testing, design and build complex experiments. Develop and automate dashboards to track the performance of production models. Extract and combine data from multiple data sources for model building or analytics using SQL or query language. Influence action and results, structure presentations around a clear and concise narrative, present engagingly and anticipate questions Pick analytically valid approaches, appropriate in terms of level of effort, favoring iterative delivery that solve for the objective, not the ask. Work in the cloud environment using AWS and PySpark. Who you are:
Master or PhD in mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics or any other related fields or other quantitative fields. Proficiency in Python and Pandas. Good knowledge of SQL. 5+ years of data science/machine learning research or equivalent analytics professional experience. Good mathematical understanding of the Machine Learning models. Proven experience of conceiving, building, and deploying state-of-the-art Machine Learning models. Statistical knowledge to deal with incomplete, biased, mislabeled, or unrepresentative data. Critical spirit and reasoning skills. Capabilities to interpret results driven by data analysis. Ability to adapt and communicate to non-technical audience complex results. Collaborative attitude with colleagues. Strong team spirit and positive attitude. Fluent in English and enjoys working in an international
Location France - Courbevoie
It is our policy to provide equal employment opportunities to all individuals based on job-related qualifications and ability to perform a job, without regard to age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status, citizenship or marital status, and to maintain a non-discriminatory environment free from intimidation, harassment or bias based upon these grounds.
GBT Recruitment Privacy Statement
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