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Front-End Web Developer

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Contenu de l'offre Front-End Web Developer chez Apizee

Apizee is looking for Front-End Web Developer. Join us!


As part of the development of its high-capacity real-time communication platform, Apizee is looking for an experienced Front-End Web.


Develop and maintain web and mobile applications Development of web graphic interfaces and our web components (directory, chat, video grid, etc.) Integrate Apizee solutions while respecting the client’s specifications (graphic charter, functional needs) and development security rules Participate in the drafting of functional specifications Write the technical specifications


Bac + 2 or Bac + 5 training, you are passionate about Web or Mobile application development and have a good command of the JavaScript language. You want to join a development team to be the interface between design and back-end development.

You will work within a human-sized team using the latest advanced technologies (ES6 +, React, Hooks, Redux, Typescript, CSSinJS (emotion), Storybook, Jest, Webpack, Babel, Rollup…). And you will work on an architecture SPA using both the REST API and WebRTC Apizee (

Qualifications, qualities and technical experience:

Very good knowledge of the React JavaScript Framework Knowledge of Storybook Understanding of functional concepts in Javascript Very good knowledge of front-end development tools (build tools, deployment, automatic tests) and SPA architecture Knowledge of Git or similar tool Concept of interface ergonomics The ability to be creative by coming up with design ideas Very good communication with other developers Aligned with our values of trust, knowledge, team spirit and performance

The following skills would be a plus:

Knowledge of PHP (Framework Synphony, Laravel …) Knowledge of databases (MySQL, NoSQL) Linux administration WebRTC development Development of mobile applications

Type of position: Permanent contract
Remuneration: according to experience
Location: Lannion, France

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Front-End Web Developer
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