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Contenu de l'offre DÉVELOPPEUR FRONT END JAVASCRIPT chez Ardemis Partners


We’re changing the way people think about investing. Initially, we have created Wesave because we believe that people's money should work as hard for them as they worked to earn it. And Making the money work is all about efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. By combining proven investment strategies with technology that drives down costs, we believed that people would finally have a way to make the most of their money. Now we’re one of the most promising fintech startup able to access to all your financial data to give you back the full control over all your investment plans and financial goals .


We’re looking for experienced, passionate "frontend developers" to work on our team. Specifically, we organize our efforts into four cross-functional teams focused on the app experience, the operations experience, the investing experience, tools for investors and finally financial data and financial actions dynamics.


BS/MS/Phd in Computer Science or related field Consistent record of shipping high-quality features Expertise in Javascript, HTML, CSS, and experience with libraries like SASS, LESS Knowledge of Javascript frameworks like React, Angular, Backbone Experience with Node.js, Grunt, Gulp, or other server-side Javascript technologies and tools Familiarity with principles of good user experience Knowledge of the principles of accessibility and ability to create products that are accessible to users with disabilities, a plus About the team
We are a team of sharp, entrepreneurial individuals who are redefining the way people are investing. We are currently looking for candidates to join our growing team who share our enthusiasm for tackling today’s toughest challenges in private banking.
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Vidéo : 10 métiers qui n’existaient pas il y a 10 ans

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Comment utiliser les algorithmes pour booster sa carrière ?

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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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