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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist H/F chez Avumi

What is Avumi ?

Avumi is developing a high impact tech product for the eCommerce fashion industry. Our product is industry-facing, but designed to be owned and controlled by online customers. Using a combination of 3D imaging technologies and artificial intelligence, it will allow users to visualise an item of clothing on a realistic personal avatar and thereby answer two key questions:

* Does it fit me? (the “fit hurdle”)

* Does it look good on me? (the “style hurdle”)

For more information, check out our website (

Our culture

If you're looking to join a startup looking to conquer the digital world, you've come to the right place !

At Avumi, everything is possible and there are no bad ideas. We're in that point in time where we're still building things and every new person can have a direct input on our product. If you decide to join us, you'll not only help us build the Avumi Platform, but also be part of building our culture as a tech company.

We currently speak English & French (fluently).

Here's how we work :

One-team : whatever your job at Avumi, we'll always be looking for your input and creativity. Adventure : you'll have time to take risks and test things, even if they don't work out in the end. Results : taking risks is good, getting somewhere is better. We work to get things done. Pioneer : we never say "it can't be done", we just find a solution. Agile : we're adaptive, everything is possible. Value-oriented : if it doesn't serve our clients or productivity, add it to the back-log.

About the role

You'll be responsible for building and maintaining the "brain" of the Avumi Platform :

Avumi avatar creation Avumi avatar customisation

You'll focus on efficiency and scalability, with a client-first mentality.

You will also be coordinating with your team to ensure regular releases.

Neural Nets, CNLs, GANs, CADs and serverless back-ends have no secrets for you. You've got 1-5 years experience as a Data Scientist You're constantly up-to-date with new 3D-imaging softwares You have experience using the AWS infrastructure to create and maintain AI algorithms You've got an entrepreneurial spirit You see tech as a solution and are passionate about software development You're an independent thinker


You'll be joining a small team, under the supervision of the CEO.
Recruitment Process

Interview over the phone Interview in person/video call

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent

Pay: 45,000.00€ - 60,000.00€ per year

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