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Business Data Scientist Onsite Paris All Genders H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Business Data Scientist Onsite Paris All Genders H/F chez Dailymotion

Dailymotion recherche …
Dailymotion is the leading video discovery destination & technology that learns about your tastes over time, constantly surfacing the best, most relevant content on the web. Our mission is to provide the best video user experience for consumers on the market, connecting publishers and advertisers to engaged viewers who turn to Dailymotion for their daily fix of the most compelling music, entertainment, news and sports content around.

Through partnerships with the world's leading publishers and content creators, A+E, Discovery, Hearst, Penske Media, Universal Music Group, Vogue, GQ, NASCAR, Sports Illustrated, VICE and more, Dailymotion commands 3 billion monthly pageviews across its mobile app, desktop and connected TV experiences. Dailymotion is owned by Vivendi, one of the largest mass-media corporations in the world.

At Dailymotion, were storytellers. We build the best place for people to enjoy the videos that matter. We do this through utilizing and developing cutting-edge technology and pushing the envelope to bring discoverable stories to life through premium content from the world's best publishers. We do this by helping these publishers grow their audiences and monetize their content, their way.

As a Business Data Scientist, you will BE at the core of Dailymotion's strategy of being a data-driven company. Within a cross-function team of data analytics practitioners, you will BE supporting the ads operations and products team, whose mission is to provide the best ad experience for our publishers and our users. You will BE providing insights and analytical assets on data at scale for different use cases such as ad pressure optimization, behavioral and contextual targeting, IVT detection or inventory forecast/optimization.

Key Responsibilities
- Understand business stakeholder needs and translate them into analysis or data projects
- Perform analyses and AB tests at scale to extract actionable insights that will help drive decisions across the business.
- Communicate insights and recommendations to key stakeholders.
- Build analytical assets (visualization, data science models, tables...) to optimize and monitor our ads products and operations
- Develop deep understanding of our Ads stack, how IT performs and how to optimize IT.
- Evangelize on the use of data across the Ads team
- Work on end-to-end data projects on the product side to ensure the features needed for partners, operations are delivered.

- Ability to process and analyze data sets at scale, and interpret them to make business decisions.
- 2+ years of quantitative or statistical analysis experience (data scientist, data analyst, statistician)
- 2+ years of experience in ads industry, Tech product or management consulting.
- Consultant mindset to understand quickly different business use cases
- 2+ years experience with SQL
- Experience with Tableau and Python is a plus
- Communication skills and ability to manage a project
- Strong interpersonal skills, able to foster relationships with peers and other functions
- Values diversity and works well in a multi-cultural environment
- BS or MS or equivalent experience in a quantitative field
Cpf final 4

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Business Data Scientist Onsite Paris All Genders H/F
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