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Data Scientist Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist Analyst chez Danone

Paris (75)

Danone is a global food company holding top positions in healthy food through its four businesses: Fresh Dairy Products, Early Life Nutrition, Waters, and Medical Nutrition. Its mission, bringing health through food to as many people as possible, embodies commitment to human progress and business success. It gives meaning to the work of our 100,000 Danoners worldwide on an everyday basis. For passionate people looking for autonomy and exciting career opportunities, Danone truly has something special inside!

Danone Research, a subsidiary of Danone, is looking for Data Scientist Analyst - L9 France (FR) Paris

The context:

We are building a team in Paris to be the "Data analytics and AI center of Excellence" for Europe as well as the data sciences capabilities for Europe in Danone. This team will be part of the new Chief Data Office at Danone promoting data as an asset and covering topic like data governance, data transformation and master Data Management.

As Data Scientist Analyst, your main responsibilities will be:

Your mission:

Collaborate with data project leaders & business partners, from business needs identification to deployment of practical solutions and models Implement ETL workflows, Data Mining/Wrangling to make data useable and understandable for other Data Scientists or business teams Develop algorithms and predictive models (Machine Learning/Deep Learning) to answer business problems Share results to technical and business teams (Data Visualization) Improve and build team's knowledge, processes and best practices

Your profile:

Technical and personal skills needed:

Engineer with a specialization in Information Management, Data management, or Big Data: A MSc, PhD or other Advanced Degree in a field linked to computer science, applied mathematics, statistics, machine learning, or related data centric areas, We are looking for people having 2 to 6 years of experience in Data Science with:
- 1-year experience in developing machine learning models in Python or R
- 1-year experience in programming (e.g., Python, R) Experience in FMCG industry is a plus. Ability to manage complexity and to work under pressure Rigor, methodical and structured approach Ability to work in an international environment Good interpersonal skills, team spirit Fluent English is a must, French would be a plus

For more information about Danone, its people and its business, please visit We have something special inside, do you?

„Each time we eat and drink, we can vote for the world we want to live in." EMMANUEL FABER, CEO


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Data Scientist Analyst
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