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Internship: Data Scientist

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Contenu de l'offre Internship: Data Scientist chez EasyMile

Pioneer in driverless mobility, EasyMile revolutionizes passenger and goods transportation.
For the past years, EasyMile has developed and deployed autonomous mobility solutions worldwide based on vehicles manufactured by recognized industrial partners. EasyMile’s clients include the world’s largest transport operators, city authorities, airports, corporations, business parks, and universities.
EasyMile supplies smart mobility solutions and autonomous technologies powering driverless vehicles with existing products such as: the EZ10, a 100% electric driverless shuttle deployed in 20 countries worldwide; the TractEasy, the first autonomous electric baggage tractor jointly developed with TLD; and many other projects to be unveiled soon.

EasyMile’s team is composed by more than 230 high skilled and passionate employees specializing in robotics, computer vision and vehicle dynamics.
The company has it own headquarter in Toulouse (France) and regional offices in Singapore (Asia), Denver (USA), Berlin (Germany) and Adelaide (Australia).

Job description

We are looking for highly motivated people to build the road ahead and invent solutions to challenges never met before. Creativity and perseverance is your attitude? We are looking for you.

Duration: 5 to 6 months (starting from February 2020) Location: Toulouse, France Internship subject: Developing analysis and reporting pipelines Internship tutor: Maxime Cottret, Tech Lead

In collaboration with an internship supervisor, you will:

Define and implement pipelines to allow Data Analysis Import an existing automated report pipeline based on Gsheet formulas to our environment (Python, Kubernetes) Generate KPIs report with our environment tooling

Preferred experience

There is no typical profile at EasyMile, we all come from different backgrounds and that is what makes us strong! Don’t hesitate to apply if you are motivated and interested by innovative transportation and technologies.

We are looking for:

Final year internship (engineering school or masters) Python: advanced Kubernetes: intermediate Pandas: basic Matplotlib: basic You have developed several personal projects dealing with Data English: minimum B2

Recruitment process

30 minutes call with a recruitment officer Meeting with the team, technical tests One hour interview with the tutor and a recruitment officer All our offers are open to people with disabilities

Meet the EasyMile team


Internship: Data Scientist

Internship (5 month(s)) Toulouse Occasional remote authorized Master's Degree < 6 months

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Internship: Data Scientist
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