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Internship WEBMASTER/WEB Developer

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Contenu de l'offre Internship WEBMASTER/WEB Developer chez Events' Creator

Beynes (78) Stage



Events ' Creator is an event agency, specializing in the design of events such as seminars, study days, conventions, Gala evening, team building, incentive.

We create the event with the customer from a to Z and we select the locations with site tracking, we negotiate the tariffs, we manage the logistics, we accompany and coordinate efficiently and reactivated.

Our team is listening to our customers. She is friendly, professional, passionate and brings an advice to its customers by providing customized services.

Your profile:

From schools of business or management / communication & Marketing, you want to deepen your knowledge through a stand-alone course in a young and dynamic company

Your missions:

➢ Create a site for the Luxury Dreams Automotiv brand used by our company

➢ Creation of texts for the website

➢ jointly manage the communication tools on and off line

➢ Community management

➢ web Communication & digital strategy. Social media and content creation.

Your skills:

➢ Master new media of communication: social networks, professional or not, blogs, forums...

➢ understanding of the entire communications (internal, external, messages, values, visions...)

➢ Good knowledge of strategies of communication and the development of communication plans

➢ Have a common practice of office automation software

➢ Master English

Desired characteristics:

➢ Curiosity and taste for the investigation

➢ Adaptability and good oral expression

➢ writing skills and sense of communication because the editorial part occupies an important place in his daily activity.

➢ understanding, and reformulation of needs

➢ Creativity

What we offer:

Real internship "immersion" that you can leverage in your resume, such as operational experience.

Terms and conditions:

No alternation

Unpaid internship

Date of the internship:

At most fast - 8 maximum weeks

Place of the Internship:

78650 Beynes (40 mn from Paris Montparnasse)

Contact us:

by E-mail:

By phone:

Cpf final 4

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Internship WEBMASTER/WEB Developer
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