Offres d'emplois IT development

Senior Web Developer PHP

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Web Developer PHP chez Fenyx Consult


Job Overview

Within our international IT team, you actively participate in the development of our white-label SaaS ticketing solutions (Front End, Back End, and Mobile).

Not afraid to dig in the code and solve problems, you join one of our outstanding teams, be it our Product Teams, our DevOps Team or our Operational IT team, you work closely with our architects, Technical Project Managers and analysists in order to create value to our products and adapt our cutting-edge ticketing technology to our B2B clients’ requirements.

Our IT team is focused on providing the best quality of technology and service by delivering rich, fast and delightful user experience. We are always looking for a better way to improve the products from a technical perspective and to adapt it to the new business!


As a Senior Web Developer, you contribute to the evolution of our solutions by your strong technical input Apply your expertise to Platinium Group’s challenging context Work within an Agile environment and with a DevOps approach Ensure that the new architecture is well implemented throughout all projects Develop top quality projects and features based on the Product and Technological roadmap Lead junior and middle developers and assist them in implementing the code standards and rules

Technical stack :

Technologies: PHP7, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS Frameworks: Symfony 3/4, AngularJS, VueJS Unit tests frameworks: PHPUnit, Karma and Jasmine Inter applications communication: REST, AMPQ (RabbitMQ) Fundamentals in design patterns including: ORM, AR, DI/IoC Development/production environment: Ansible, Docker. Other tools: nginx, Grunt, gulp, webpack

Qualities and Skills

You are an open-minded team player willing to share, debate and evangelize with and among the team? you are pro-active and you seek to contribute to ambitious projects (you speak English or French ;)) ?? Apply now!

Type d'emploi : CDI


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