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Lead Data Scientist M/F

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Contenu de l'offre Lead Data Scientist M/F chez IPSEN

We are developing our Data Science capability to deliver innovative solutions for patient care, as well as establish a data-driven culture to empower our teams and support strategic decisions.

The Lead Data Scientist is responsible for driving advanced analytics activities on multiple business objectives, such as:

Improve the medical knowledge of diseases and patients

Optimize the design of a clinical trial

Refine the value proposition of Ipsen drugs

Support and refine the commercial strategy for a given drug and geography

Being a technical leader, the key focus of the Lead Data Scientist will be to:

Contribute actively to the development of a Data Science Center of Excellence

Lead the team of Data Scientists and ensure best practices are applied at every step

Engage with stakeholders, identify and translate business issues into data opportunities

Apply his expertise in analytics and machine learning on key business initiatives, pilot the data projects and ensure that the business value is realized

Support the communication around our data science capability, projects achievements, team vision and success stories up to the executive leadership level

Apply and inspire the adoption of AI, Advanced Analytics and Real World Evidence across the business

Your Main Responsibilities Will Be:

Team Lead

Oversee the activities of the data scientists team, provide guidance and expertise on advanced analytics

Ensure alignment of the analytics models with the business overall vision and objectives

Ensure that state of the art tools, methodologies and techniques are applied all along the data science value chain


Engage with stakeholders from Data, Digital and Business teams to identify new data needs

Identity and propose new business opportunities by leveraging existing data or through the use of innovative data science techniques

Understand, frame a business problem and translate it into data science objectives

Mobilize and federate teams around a common vision and goals, applying consensus decision making as relevant


Join as relevant multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural project teams, working in collaboration with Cloud Architects, Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Bioinformatics, Project Managers, external partners, etc.

Apply expertise to deliver advanced analytics models for key business projects all along the value chain: research, design, implementation and deployment of data science models and products

Ensure that the projects KPIs are properly defined tracked and that data science products generate expected value for the business stakeholders


Keep up-to-date and provide insights to the whole data community on latest trends, innovation and data science best practices

Act as a technical mentor and acculturate the Ipsen teams to the data science field

Your profile:

Master degree or PhD in Data Science, Computer Science or any related field

7+ years of experience in a Data Science role

Experience in healthcare or regulated environment would be a plus

Strong leadership and drive

Team player

Agile & growth mindset

Open-minded, comfortable within a changing environment

Business centric and value driven

Open and transparent communication

Proficient in English

Technical skills:

Mandatory: Proficient in Python software engineering, Pandas, Scikit Learn

Optional: Kubeflow, Pandas as Dask, Git, AWS Managed services (Athena, Glue, Sagemaker), NLTK, PyTorch/Tensorflow, NLP / Images Processing

Dans le cadre de ses recrutements IPSEN s’engage au respect de l’égalité de traitement des candidats, indépendamment du sexe, de l’âge, de l'orientation sexuelle, de l'origine ethnique, de la couleur de la peau, de la nationalité, du handicap ou de l'appartenance à un syndicat.
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Lead Data Scientist M/F
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