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Contenu de l'offre Web Developer chez JOHN PAUL


Since 2008, John Paul has helped brands and companies build customer and employee loyalty through a full suite of concierge services. Innovative and leader in its market, John Paul combines the unique know-how and expertise of its 700 Concierges with custom digital tools.

John Paul has been part of the Accor group since November 2016.

The Digital team at John Paul is inventing (and reinventing) a new generation of concierge services.

Benefits of joining John Paul:

– Being able to work on challenging and innovative products
– Choosing your own hardware
– Participating in activities with colleagues every week (challenges, breakfasts, happy hours, games…)
– Advantages and preferential prices reserved for our members


We are looking for a web developer who will tackle the following challenges:

– Help establish and apply norms and standards for our new libraries, from the architecture, security, performance and documentation standpoints
– Iterate fast from idea to architecture to code to tests to production
– Keep making our tech stack more futuristic and entertaining
– Help outline the next steps of our projects
– Challenge the established ways to further improve the quality of our platform and the developer experience!


The ideal team member is someone with:

– Experience in coding in Vue.js/Vuex
– Experience with the platform’s dependency management (NPM)
– Good grasp of REST APIs and OAuth 2
– Experience using Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
– Pragmatism, and ability to compromise between code quality and planning restrictions, while planning ahead and knowing when to iterate
– Empathy and the desire to elevate those around them
– First-hand knowledge that velocity and quality can go well together
– The belief that, because our world is not perfect, code should be secure and fault-tolerant
– An insatiable appetite for discovering new technologies, because they know that as a developer, they’ll have to learn new things continuously
– Ability to write and talk in English

Our current toolkit

At John Paul, we currently use the following technologies:

– Vue.js
– Gitlab & Gitlab CI
– Kotlin, Swift
– Python 3.7, Django, Django REST Framework
– Docker, Nomad/Consul/Vault
– Salesforce Cloud

Nothing is set in stone, this list will change, and you’ll provoke the discussion and take part in the decision.


This job is for immediate hire and is based in a nice and very well-placed office in Paris (le Marais).

And if you’re interested but your background doesn’t match everything above, please don’t hold back and let’s talk!

Your application should contain:

– Your resume
– Links to webs you have published
– Links to online profiles you use (GitHub, GitLab, etc.)

Reference :

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