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Data Scientist (6-month internship)

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist (6-month internship) chez Kayrros

Passionate about tech? Interested in energy and climate action? Join Kayrros, a fast-growing startup using artificial intelligence to transform the world’s biggest industries.

Kayrros is a leading data analytics company that monitors and measures GHG emissions, natural resources, and industrial activity using proprietary algorithms. We combine satellite imagery, data science, and advanced mathematics to create unique insights and customer-specific solutions for better decision-making. Our team of experts and tech wizards are working to bring transparency to energy and the environment, from crude oil tank volumes to methane emissions.

In just five years, the Kayrros team has grown to include 140 experts in data science, mathematics, and energy, representing over 20 nationalities and 10 spoken languages. The team works from 6 offices around the world in New York, Houston, London, Paris, Singapore, and Bangalore. In 2021 alone, Kayrros was recognized as a member of French Tech’s Green 20, signed a landmark contract with the European Space Agency, and was acknowledged in the latest UNEP Global Methane Assessment report.

Kayrros is building a team of talented people to positively disrupt the world’s biggest industries and reshape the future of energy and the environment.

Join us to make a difference!

We are currently recruiting for our Paris office, a Data Scientist M/F - Emissions Team (6-month internship)


The Kayrros Emissions team is working on several topics ranging from GHG emissions (Methane, CO2) to water and air pollution. We use the latest satellite sources available to build state-of-the-art emission-related products. In the references section, you will be able to find some newspapers mentioning our work on the subject.

Your role inside Kayrros’ Emissions team will be to leverage Computer Vision, Machine Learning & Signal Processing on multi-spectral and hyperspectral satellite images to track GHG emissions.

In this role, you will be working closely with the whole product team and research laboratories (Centre Borelli, LSCE), in such a way that you both learn the core technologies relative to satellite imagery and contribute to the development of new features that you pinpointed as crucial for success.

Data scientists have a central role in Kayrros. They contribute to the whole pipeline of projects, including scoping projects, identifying and collecting data, constructing features, designing models, visualization, testing and improving products with clients. Indeed, as a data scientist, you will have to:

Formulate problems considering available data and value of information,

Design, implement, and test machine learning algorithms

Continuously provide ideas to improve products and take part in all team decisions.

References (French newspaper)


This is an ideal opportunity if you are looking for a six-month end-of-studies internship starting between March and May 2022, and you want to work on environmental topics in a fast-growing start-up.

You have a strong scientific background and are very interested in Computer Vision, Machine Learning & Signal Processing.

You have programming skills in Python, Machine Learning libraries, data visualization packages, and data manipulation.

You are ready to go above and beyond on a specific technical topic

You are a fast learner and have a real interest in physics

You can design and deliver working prototypes in a fast-paced environment and then work with data engineers to put them in production.

You are autonomous, you do not hesitate to provide the team with new ideas and challenge existing solutions.

You can communicate clearly in English, including with non-technical people.

Why joining Kayrros?

We are a young, fast-growing tech company and are extremely passionate about what we do.

We are located in the WeWork building on Rue la Fayette, 75009 (free drinks, events, and a vibrant atmosphere).

You will work with an international team and practice your English (or Chinese, German, Swedish, Portuguese...) on a day-to-day basis.

Competitive salary

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Data Scientist (6-month internship)
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