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Data Scientist (F/H) Lyon Part-Dieu

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist (F/H) Lyon Part-Dieu chez Konecranes

Data Scientist (F/H) Lyon Part-Dieu

The DSL (Data Science Lab) of KONECRANES was created in September 2019. This centralized team of 15 members gathers Data scientists, AI Product Owner and Machine Learning engineers that harvest value from KONECRANES Data.

Our target: build AI and machine learning solutions for all KONECRANES Segments.

KONECRANES will allow you to integrate a worldwide group, to see from the inside what happens in industries, and to play a vital role in Konecranes by building new AI solutions to help the group to keep growing and increasing its performance and profitability.

Job description

The Data Science Lab team is looking for a talented and motivated Data scientist to complete its current roster.

As a Data Scientist, your main mission will be to play a key role in all our initiatives inside our lab. You will be involved to develop different data science use cases to help the different business areas and business units in Konecranes. It will allow you a diversity of themes and interlocutors. You will interact with a lot of different profiles (business stakeholders, domain experts, data engineers, machine learning engineers,…).

We are looking for a team player with a first successful experience in data science field, preferably in a company, with the willingness to permit to KONECRANES to become a data-driven company by building useful AI products.

You must have excellent relational skills with a great capability to solve complex problems. You should enjoy the collaborative work and would like to grow as a professional inside our team.

Main missions

· Interacting with multidisciplinary people inside the organization (business stakeholders, data profiles, IT)

· Analysing internal data from KONECRANES

· Developing predictive models by using machine learning algorithms in order to solve concrete business problems

· Exploiting structured and unstructured data to turn them into insights

· Participating actively to the Agile development of the team

· Communicating advancement of projects and issues encountered to the AI Product Owner

· Being proactive inside the Data Science Lab

· Techno watch in Data Science and IA

Competencies and skills

Basic Qualifications :

· Master degree in applied statistics, mathematics/informatics, computer science, data science or AI with one first successful experience in Data Science field / IA (at least 2 years of experience)

· Capability to develop predictive models by using machine learning algorithms

· Good understanding of Machine Learning (Prediction, Classification, Clustering)

· Strong experience in programming languages – Python, Spark & SQL

· Experience on Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform and Databricks

· Excellent communication skills and being fluent in English is mandatory (official work language)

· Being curious

· Relational skills with team spirit

Additional appreciated qualifications:

· Previous experience working in industry sector or in a matrix organisation

· Understanding of MLOps concept

· Agile way of working (Scrum / Kanban)

· Power BI

Why joining us?

· Career path

· Health insurance

· Lunch vouchers

· Remote work

· Flexible schedules

· Works council advantages

You will join in an international Data Science team, which mission is to fuel Konecranes business growth and profitability by data-driven solutions. You will be a key player in Konecranes’ data-driven transformation and will have the opportunity to work on various business challenges and data science projects for the company. We value our team member’s professional development and knowledge sharing.

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Data Scientist (F/H) Lyon Part-Dieu
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