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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Scientist chez Konecranes

Lyon (69) Employment type: Undefined term Full-time/part-time position: Full time Job Code USA/CA:

Senior Data Scientist

The industrial material handling stands on the brink of technological revolution that will blur the lines between physical and digital spheres. We can already see today how emerging technologies like AI, advanced wireless networks, or fully autonomous vehicles, disrupt our thinking on what is possible and what is not. Konecranes has approximately 600,000 devices on its maintenance books and 20,000 of these are remotely monitored, providing a constant flow of data to the customer portal for analysis. Our digital solutions are not pilots or MVPs, they are already full blown global implementations that we are developing further. We’re fascinated by the opportunities digitalization offers to our core business, internal operations and exploring new digital growth - and so are our customers in industries like automotive, general manufacturing, ports & terminals.

As a Senior Data Scientist, you will be working in our Data Science Lab, part of the Konecranes Digital Accelerator that has been established to support the development of Konecranes digital solutions across our three business areas, Industrial Equipment, Service and Port Solutions. As the digital maturity of a company is not only about having the right technology stack, but first and foremost about the people, their skills, ways of working and capability to understand the customer needs, Digital Accelerator will on its part drive our culture to adapt lean customer-centric design and development practices to create new products and services.

We believe that value creation from data will transform the material handling industry. Digitalized processes and connected products generate massive amounts of data that has been used to improve what Konecranes offers our customers. However, we’ve now reached a point where we can mine even more data to allow us to create new business models and give greater value for our customers. Konecranes will provide you an opportunity to see from inside what is happening in the various industries across the globe and have a vital role in Konecranes to accelerate this change.

Digital Accelerator is part of the Konecranes Technologies function and focus on capabilities that bring value to all Konecranes business areas, such as digital portfolio management, the digital customer journey, data & analytics and digital business incubation.

Key Responsibilities Data analysis and modeling Develop predictive models using machine learning and/or deep learning A good understanding of business needs Able to crunch structured and unstructured data to turn data into insight Manage a Data Science team by keeping up-to-date view of the projects, their status, progress and potential issues Provide guidelines and best practices in machine learning / Deep learning Track initiative progress through milestones and selected KPIs Manage and monitor issues and project risks Run regular catch-ups with initiative teams to collect status info Communicate status and progress of the portfolio to Director, Data Science Lab Develop Skills of Team members Achieve a technological watch in Data Science, new algorithms, methodologies and tools

Prefferred Qualifications

Relevant graduate degree with over 5 years of work experience in Data Science field Expert level SQL scripting In-depth knowledge of Python (pandas, numpy, scikit-learn) Strong program management and coordination experience, with great communication and people management skills Ability to manage large programs/projects in Data Science to provide new insights for the company Experience in predictive maintenance, NLP, forecasting, customer behaviour, computer vision Distributed computing (Apache Spark) Knowledge of Microsoft Azure environment and Databricks Ability to develop predictive models using machine learning / Deep learning algorithms Great communication and curiosity Team work spirit

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