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Contenu de l'offre DATA SCIENTIST chez linkfluence

What you will do

Linkfluence is looking for a talented and inventive data scientist to join our team. This role is for a full-stack data scientist relying on both Data Research and R&D teams to provide data-driven methodologies and insights to develop solutions relying mainly on social listening data (texts, images coming from online, media, blogs, forums, social networks). The employee will build data engineering assets and statistical/machine learning models to surface actionable business or marketing insights. The employee will also work with large scale computing frameworks, data analysis systems and modeling environments (e.g., Spark, Hadoop, Tensorflow, etc). Working on our quantitative methodologies, you will strengthen the legitimacy of the solutions we're providing to the biggest global brands in the world (L'Oréal, LVMH, Toyota, Danone and dozens of others):

Experience innovative methods in the field of data analytics and advanced statistics applied to social listening Craft metrics, KPIs and data visualizations to answer given social listening business cases Define and implement quantitative methodologies to boost both quality and efficiency of linkfluence global insights offering Advises social data researcher on data analytics, advanced statistics toolbox, and data science methodology Collaborate and build relationships within engineering and product teams to facilitate implementation of advanced KPI and data analytics in our AI engine

Skills we are looking for

Ability to prioritize competing projects, timelines and work with multidisciplinary teams (data researchers, data scientists, engineering teams, sales & marketing people) Product-oriented mindset bridging the gap between innovative solutions and product implementation Very good communication skills and ability to understand and be understood by marketing profiles 2+ years experience with Python or R or Scala and related ML libraries Excellent statistical, machine learning and data mining skills Knowledge of regressions, time series analysis, clustering, decision tree techniques Familiarity with data visualization in R, Python or Javascript Experience in data engineering using Spark / Hadoop is a plus Experience using / building APIs is a plus

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