Offres d'emplois IT development

Data Scientist Senior or Lead _ Clermont-Ferrand Rhône-Alpes (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist Senior or Lead _ Clermont-Ferrand Rhône-Alpes (M/F) chez Michelin

Data Scientist Senior or Lead _ Clermont-Ferrand Rhône-Alpes (M/F)

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Michelin, worldwide company, leader of the tire business looks for talents to strengthen its expertise in leveraging data to create value for a smarter and safer mobility.

Therefore, we recruit senior and lead data scientists, with 3 to 10 years of experience to accelerate our growth.

You will join a creative environment in which data are a key business value driver. As an expert of data-science, you will be in charge of tricky questions involving data-science expertise.

In particular, you will also be part of reflections on IOT system design and the definition of data-driven business models.

In this collaborative environment, you will be working closely with IOT designers, marketing teams, UX designers, data engineers and IT departments all over the word.


Fully integrated in the product team, you will be in charge of:

Embody the data-science know-how in the team. Manage the translation of business questions into mathematical problems. Find the most efficient solution to “let data speak”


Participate to the product team daily life. Determine the best data sources, evaluate their quality and relevance. Build algorithms and models to leverage data (statistics, machine learning, analytics…) Produce high-quality code, that is easy to reuse and maintain. Accompany the industrialization of algorithms.


Mindset of an entrepreneur, who can take initiatives. Curious and learning-friendly mindset ; involving a humble attitude and a good ability to listen. Team spirit, with good communication of information, ideas, enthusiasm and difficulties. A challenge-lover mindset, willing to tackle difficult technical problems. Higher education (MSc or higher) in applied mathematics, data analysis or similar domain. Experience or training showing proficiency in today’s data-science tools (notebooks, visualization, …) and strong IT skills (object programming, distributed infrastructure, CI/CD, containerization…)


Location: Clermont Ferrand (Rhone-Alpes, France), 2 days/ week working from home possible Salary: Competitive salary based on experience.

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Michelin, une entreprise engagée dans la mobilité durable et reconnue pour ses actions en faveur de l’expérience employé !

Une note de 93/100 à l’index de l’égalité femmes-hommes N°2 au classement Glassdoor, des Meilleurs Employeurs France en 2021 ! N°1 au classement Happy Trainees de Choose My Company, avec 94,8 % des stagiaires et alternants qui nous recommandent

Pour en savoir plus sur le Groupe :

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Data Scientist Senior or Lead _ Clermont-Ferrand Rhône-Alpes (M/F)
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