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Senior Data Scientist for Manufacturing H/F à Clermont-Ferrand

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Scientist for Manufacturing H/F à Clermont-Ferrand chez MICHELIN

Description du poste


· The data métier vision is defined and shared

· Complex and strategic data topics/questions are addressed and create more valeur.

· Evolutions of the métier (technologies, norms, competencies …).are anticipated and knowledge passed throughout the company (training, network management and influence).

Management of expertise

· Deliver high-level expertise in the necessary fields and help to solve complex or strategic problems more quickly and appropriately.

· Manage and transmit knowledge and know-how.

· Anticipate the impact of external changes (technology, standards, social behaviors, competencies needs, etc.) on the Company.

· Innovate and/or identify new scopes by implementing existing technologies on the market or through methodological approaches (marketing, supply chain, manufacturing, RDI, etc.).

· Be the ad-hoc contact person for specialized external partners or service providers to propose relevant analyses and create value for the Company.

Strategy et Big Data Management

· Provides a vision and/or scenarios in the field or elsewhere to influence the company's ambitions by ensuring that the top management understands the idea, technology, concept, tool, recognizes the benefit, and puts it in perspective in relation to the business.

· Positions his/her field's areas of focus in relation to those in other fields/métiers to bring them into line with the company's areas of focus.

· Build complex or strategic algorythms including predictive models

· Advises new technologies (statistics, text mining, behavioural, geolocation, etc.) for extracting and analysing information, to obtain more value from datasets (Big Data)
* Builds mathematics, statistics or specialized software tools to extract and analyze data and designs datamarts and even data warehouses (data warehouses).
* Guarantees the development of skills in extracting, modeling, analyzing and visualizing data
* Evolves target information systems to increase data quality and richness
* Promotes new models or calculation methods and anticipates pros and cons according to a specific environment.

Market Watch

· Benchmarks other companies and stays aware of the latest trends and new technologies around big data

· Ensures the sharing of good practices (internally and externally)

Description du profil


+ Ph.D. in a field related to applied mathematics or machine learning (or engineering inc. Computer science with explicit applications of those concepts).

+ 4+ years post-doctoral experience with predictive analytics, optimization in product design or in an industrial environment.

+ You have deep knowledge in data science and understand underlying mathematical concepts.

+ Proficient in use of Python for manipulating data and drawing insights from data sets.

+ Fluency in Python collaborative development using version control (e.g. Git).

+ In addition to experience using data science techniques (regression, classification, neural networks) the job requires an in-depth knowledge of techniques, concepts, application scenarios, and frameworks in machine learning (e.g. scikit-learn).

+ Proven skills to coach the competencies of a datascientist team.

+ Monitor the techno trends and integrate valuable subject.

+ International Networking

+ Inspire and communicate the value of transformation for metier counterpart.

+ Fluent verbal and written English language skills.

Preferred Qualifications

Experience with notebook-based reproducible analysis tools (e.g. Jupyter) preferred.

Background knowledge in aspects of industry, mechanics, material science and/or related fields preferred.

Contribution to Arxiv publication.

Cpf final 4

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Senior Data Scientist for Manufacturing H/F à Clermont-Ferrand
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