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Lavarel Lead Developer (based in Paris)

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Contenu de l'offre Lavarel Lead Developer (based in Paris) chez Next Station

Next Station is an online recruiting platform for international talent. We are building Europe's largest talent network to encourage a more diverse and multicultural human connection going beyond employment borders.

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Job description

About the Team

Next Station was founded in 2018 by Blanca Montero, Nicolas Paulus, and Denis Fayolle, a group of serial entrepreneurs that believed that we could simplify the recruitment process for those people aiming for an international career.

Today, we are a bigger group of believers: 20 people from 14 different nationalities that speak English every day at work and enjoy sharing our different cultural backgrounds. Despite being all different, we connect in a particular way. No matter which team member you ask, the best thing about Next Station will always be the team ❤.

Our values: commitment, fun, and go beyond.

About the Job

In your role as Lead Developer, you will join the Tech team and work directly with Nicolas Paulus (co-founder).

Your mission: take full responsibility for the development of our platform and services.

What You Will Do

On a daily basis, the Lead Developer will be in charge of the whole Tech at Next Station. The great number of various tasks will bring you strong growth opportunities!

Participate and contribute to the development of internal tools for all teams (marketing, recruitment, etc.) Produce optimized and efficient code for the continuous improvement and development of our platform Join a process of improving our services by providing effective solutions to business challenges Interact with all the teams to best adapt to projects, from design to delivery Build internal API as well as great user interfaces Take part in decisions ranging from UI- and UX Design to Backend architecture And above all: You will enjoy, learn, and grow with us :)


About You

This position is based in Paris, France. Nevertheless, you can work remotely 2 days per week if needed.

What You Bring

You have a native level in English or French. You have min. 3 years of experience as a Developer. You have extensive knowledge and experience on PHP and are comfortable working on Laravel Framework You are motivated to drive changes and make suggestions for improvement. You have a great understanding of how your code is affecting UX/UI. You are a reactive, dynamic, and resolutive personality. You have strong knowledge of Javascript. You have a structured and organised working style. You have a good level of SQL. You have strong adaptation skills and a humble personality. You have an entrepreneurial mindset and are not afraid to take actions. You are highly results driven.

Extra Points

You have a strong knowledge in Vue.js frameworks

Note: We are only 3 years old. You should know what's waiting for you if you join a startup in this phase :).

Are you passionate about our mission and motivated to work in international recruitment? We give you the opportunity to take great responsibility from the beginning and grow with your challenges.

What You Get

A shared open space office with 3 multicultural startups in the heart of Paris Knowledge of the recruitment industry in and out Opportunity for fast professional growth

Together, we go beyond, enjoy. Repeat.

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Lavarel Lead Developer (based in Paris)
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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