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Digital Data Scientist SM

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Contenu de l'offre Digital Data Scientist SM chez Nissan

Nissan is a global company driven by the accomplishments of our employees. We find pride in our continued commitment to diversity and an exciting lineup of vehicles. Simply put, we are at the intersection of people, transportation, and the environment which keeps us at the forefront of innovation.

To learn more about us, click on the link: Nissan's 80 Years of Moving People – YouTube

Nissan Europe’s goal is to become the most desirable Asian car brand in the region. Marketing has been identified as a core organizational capability and strategic enabler to achieve this goal. That is why we are looking for a Digital Performance & Data Science Section Manager

Mission and main objectives:

To strengthen the expertise of our teams, we are looking for a Digital & Data expert who combines both the experience of a data analyst in transforming data into knowledge and the relevance of a digital marketer in the interpretation of Results and declination in recommendations.

The main tasks of this position are to build a complete digital data strategy, help us make the most out of the information hidden in vast amounts of digital data, and contribute to make smarter decisions, delivering better insights by applying data mining techniques, doing statistical analysis, digital Marketing Mix Modeling and building high quality prediction systems integrated with our digital campaigns.

Main tasks and responsibilities:

Strategy: developing a full digital marketing data strategy to boost our DMP usage (from a programmatic/paid media, site-centric, and CRM standpoint) Data Analysis: Mapping, Organizing and analyzing raw data, deciphering key takeaways and, running split tests on campaigns. Ability to work with structured and unstructured data. Processing, cleansing, and verifying the integrity of data used for analysis. Enhancing data collection procedures to include information that is relevant for building analytic systems, and build machine learning, modeling & prediction tools Real-time monitoring of digital campaigns performance: work closely with agencies to collect data & develop data via tools reporting campaign performances for optimizations. Site centric performances: Leverage sales / business data to improve statistical modeling to define data-driven Digital KPIs targets. Monitor and visualize results to understand user behavior, conversion data and support improvement of the digital customer journey. Oversee agency that performs ROI analysis to evaluate efficiency and effectiveness in real time. Liaise and transfer knowledge with our Regional business units

Background and experience (years):

Minimum 5-7 years’ experience; Digital Marketing experience required; Pure Player and/or Programmatic experience is a strong plus; Understanding of DMP usage; Experience working with IT/software/data analytics company; Ability to relay analytical insight to internal and external stakeholders

Specific technical skills:

Excellent understanding of DMP, machine learning techniques and algorithms
Experience with common data science toolkits, such as R, MatLab, etc
Proficiency in using query languages such as SQL, Hive, Pig, Python, …
Ability to work with structured and unstructured data
Excellent knowledge of Google analytics, Adobe analytics and SQL
Ability to transform data into actionable recommendations
Analytical, logical, methodical and rigorous.
Enthusiastic and self-motivate

Embracing Diversity:

A ll of us at Nissan - regardless of functional area or expertise - share a passion to design, manufacture and sell high-performance, fun to drive vehicles. Nissan is an Equal Opportunity Employer for all. Applicants will be considered for all positions regardless of race, gender, military status, disability, or any other status protected by law.

Position Based in Montigny le Bretonneux, Paris area, France

Montigny Le Bretonneux Yvelines France
Cpf final 4

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Digital Data Scientist SM
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