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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist chez Numberly

Job Description

Numberly is looking for a Data Scientist to work on applied mathematics and machine learning projects and optimize our digital marketing campaigns. The role involves:

The creation and development of optimization algorithms The realization of complex, big data studies for our clients Participation in the creation and development of the group's product, especially algorithms using the richness of the data we collect (real-time behavioral data, demographic data, purchasing data, etc.)

B.S. or M.S. in Mathematics or Data Science Interested in research and measurement Strong attention to detail, strong organization skills Passionate about data Strong interest in digital marketing and relationship marketing Interest in working for a wide range of clients on advanced research subjects Excellent machine learning and applied maths skills Knowledge of Hadoop, Python, SQL Server, MongoDB, Matlab a plus Strong motivation to work in a fast-growing, international company

Additional Information

Even with 500 people we like to spend time together!

Participate to “Happy Meetings’” where we share the Group’s news with everyone from around the world Get to know your “Jedi Master”, your ‘go to guy’ when you arrive Go to yoga classes, cross-training, barbecues, internal parties... Find the most incredible fancy costume for the next party
Cpf final 4

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Data Scientist
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