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Data Scientist - 12 mois - Paris / Freelance

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist - 12 mois - Paris / Freelance chez OCTOPUS COMPUTER ASSOCIATES

One of our important clients is looking for a Data Scientist for a 12 months contract in Paris. The rate is negotiable. Please find the spec below : Data Scientist Essential Job Functions: Guide, design, implement and/or maintain databases structures in a complex environment according to user specifications Identify opportunities and solve business challenges to leverage information to expand the business and foster innovation; shapes and drives the analytics strategy to develop and/or enhance business model/s that provide business and customer insights that maximize business efficiency and outcomes. Collect and analyze metric data; prepare reports to support internal and external performance reporting requirements; build and apply basic to moderately complex measurement models on performance, prediction, quality, and other key business factors; analyzes moderately complex metric data to enable management in decision making.

Provide data mining and analytics support to create predictive modeling initiatives Conduct statistical data modeling supporting a broad range of business and customer applications. Present alternative approaches and unique or innovative analyses as appropriate. Produces reports, charts and other trend analyses through the use and interpretation of data to describe current business situation/s. Identifies trends, patterns or exceptions that assist in predictive modeling initiatives.

Assembling large, complex data sets that meet functional / non-functional business requirement Skills required: A natural inclination toward solving complex problems Knowledge/experience on/with statistical programming languages, including R, Python, SLQ, etc., to process data and gain insights from it Experience applying and understanding data architectures Knowledge and experience of Analytics cloud technologies including Microsoft Azure, AWS and/or GCP Analytics services Knowledge and experience of Machine Learning techniques, including decision tree learning, clustering, artificial neural networks, etc., and their pros and cons Knowledge and application experience in advanced statistical techniques and concepts, including, regression, distribution properties, statistical testing, etc. Experience/knowledge in statistics and data mining techniques, including, random forest, GLM/regression, social network analysis, text mining, etc. Preferable: Experience with major web services, including S3, Spark, Redshift, etc. Experience/knowledge in distributed data and computing tools, including, MapReduce, MySQL, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, etc.

Ability to use data visualization tools to showcase data for stakeholders Excellent communication and presentation skills Experience preparing and managing documentation of (senior-level) client deliverables Working effectively in multi-disciplinary and cross-organizational teams Impulse to learn and master new technologies Good interpersonal and human relations skills to interact with users, Product Owners, scrum master Pod team members and other stakeholders. and a discipline 3-5 years of field experience in a similar role
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Data Scientist - 12 mois - Paris / Freelance
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