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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist chez Pandascore

What you’ll do

To facilitate PandaScore’s growth, we are looking for the next PandaScore’s data scientist!
You will join a team of 7 data scientist including veterans that built our AI from scratch.

As the next PandaScore’s data scientist, your role will be to:

train deep learning models for computer vision (classification, detection, tracking) train machine learning models to predict various outcomes of Esports matches deploy these models into our in-house AI architecture help data engineers to improve this architecture Here is an example of what we are doing in the data science team at Pandascore:

Profil recherché

What you’ll need

To join our data science team, you will need:

A master degree or PhD in Data Science or related field Multiple machine learning experiences with real data/use cases (professional experiences, kaggle competitions or side projects) Strong coding skills in Python Strong maths skills

We’re looking for outstanding Engineer/PhD in machine learning who combines great technical and analytical capabilities with a demonstrated ability to get the right things done quickly and effectively.

In short, you are:

A thinker: you are logical, can evaluate a problem quickly, abstract it and propose solutions A pragmatist: your solutions are driven by the context A try-hard: you are fully dedicated to your team and not afraid to go the extra mile A teacher: you are able to expose your thoughts, explain your technical decision and talk with another non-technical department

Our stack

Data science: Python, Keras, Pytorch, Tensorflow Database/MQ: PostgreSQL, Cassandra, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, Redis, Rethinkdb, Memcached Infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes, GCloud Backend: Elixir/Phoenix, Ruby on Rails, NodeJS Front-end: React, Typescript, RxJs, Styled components, Storybook

Bonus points

You already tried to predict outcomes of Esports/Sports matches using models or you have an experience in the betting industry You are an expert in computer vision You have a wide ranged tech culture and already worked with real-time infrastructures You are a gamer and watch Esports

What’s in it for you

Gaming room (PS4, PCs, Switch) Video game credits Central office (Ⓜ️Bonne Nouvelle) Other usual perks (health insurance, transportation participation,…) Work in a fast-paced, high-growth industry with innovation as our motto

Join us!

CDI 40k - 60k€ depending on profile & experience + shares (BSPCE) No remote Paris, 40 rue de l’échiquier Start ASAP

What’s next? ✌

If you are ready to join us, please apply below by uploading your resume (PDF).
You can expect us to review your application within the following weeks. If your application and profile fit our requirements, we will invite you for in-house interview sessions.

Cpf final 4

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