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WordPress Front End Web Developer

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Contenu de l'offre WordPress Front End Web Developer chez Paris Saint-Germain Academy North America

WordPress Front End Web Developer

We are currently seeking a Front end web developer to join our internal marketing agency. Most of the companies / projects that we work on are soccer related (PSG Academy Florida, PSG Academy North America, PSG Academy Switzerland, ICEF: the international center of European football, FC Miami City… If you are passionate about sports, especially soccer, are skilled in your craft and like working in fast-paced environments, keep reading!


We are looking for a Front End Web Developer with the following skills:

3-5 years experience minimum HTML4, HTML5, CSS3, Wordpress, JavaScript, JQuery Understanding of the Adobe Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign). You would need to be able to perform small changes to already designed materials such as mockups) and possibly design materials occasionally Bootstrap 3 / 4

Role and tasks

Website development

We work mainly (almost exclusively) on wordpress websites. For our new websites, we are working with the astra theme and Elementor (any experience with Elementor would be a plus)

Emailings and other

We also have needs for HTMLs development (based on mockups). Finally, we might have other needs that fall into the scope of the front end web developer, such as the development of email signatures for example.


We are looking for a freelancer to join us for 2-3 days / week (which might evolve into a full-time based on needs). We are open to someone working remotely (we are based in the US, on the Eastern Standard Time. Flexibility to adapt those hours would be required for remote candidates working in different timezones).

Salary will be negotiated based on experience, please let us know what your compensation requirements are.


Please provide a link to your portfolio. If we decide to move forward, the hiring process will include tests and interviews.

Job Types: Full-time, Part-time, Temporary, Contract

Job Types: Part-time, Temporary, Contract


Front End Development: 3 years (Required) Wordpress: 3 years (Preferred) Javascript: 3 years (Required) Astra theme and elementor plugin: 3 years (Preferred) Bootstrap 3/4: 3 years (Required) JQuery: 3 years (Required) HTML 4/5: 3 years (Required) Ajax: 3 years (Preferred) CSS: 3 years (Preferred)


French (Preferred) English (Required)
Cpf final 4

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WordPress Front End Web Developer
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