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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist chez Playwing Ltd

Position Duties

We are looking for a Data Scientist to join our new title, Century - Age of Ashes, developed in our studio in Bordeaux. In this role, you will actively contribute to game design and game direction, by providing the meaningful insights of players behavior in our game. You will as well actively support the game team by offering the best tools to build a deeper understanding of the game's virtual economies, players' behavioral patterns and game balance. You will work with the game team and the stakeholders to bring the game to the next level.

Position based in Bordeaux, France.

Responsibilities :
Create reports and analysis, and maintain dashboards for the game team to follow Key performance indicators as retention, lifetime value, player acquisition, virtual economy balance and other in-game metrics
Setup and manage data pipelines
Guarantee quality and consistency of data
Analyze key performance indicators with game team to bring out improvements to game performance
Advise on tracking events to be collected for deeper analysis
Answer in-depth analytics questions from the team and create reports of the results
Build tools and Machine learning capabilities to predict and evaluate potential of users' cohorts

Candidate Profile

Requirements :
Deep experience of SQL and Python
Proficient with mathematics (especially statistics and probability). Advanced math is preferred (such as graph theory or information theory).
Experience in interpreting and visualizing data, to provide clear insight and conclusions to game teams and stakeholders
Good communication skills as well as ability to work as a team
Knowledge of modern data processing technologies such as BigQuery or Spark is preferred
Knowledge of ETL best practices and interest to dive into data engineering if necessary
Knowledge of cloud providers (AWS, Azure) and their data related tooling is preferred
Previous experience in gaming (mobile or PC / console) mandatory
Result oriented, autonomous
Passion for analytics and video games
Proactivity, curious mind, business oriented
Fluent in English

Cpf final 4

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