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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist H/F chez Saint-Gobain

This is a rare opportunity to apply your analytical expertise to a major subject: Making the world a better Home

Saint-Gobain is seeking a Data Scientist to develop advanced algorithm based solutions to deliver transformational insights with value impact on all related businesses of Saint-Gobain and in direct report to the Lead Data Scientist inside the Data Science & AI department.

As the Data Scientist, you will have the opportunity to work with a tremendous and rapidly growing data set generated by all our systems from industry, to distribution.

We are looking for someone that loves breaking down problems, building solutions, delivering actionable and data-driven insights, and working in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.

We are looking for a hands-on-data scientist with experience in Statistical and Machine Learning to help us build and integrate data-driven intelligent solution into our business processes. This role will involve a close collaboration with our team of passionate and innovative data specialists, application developers and product managers. This is a unique opportunity to be a member of our global Data Science & AI team, tackling our toughest and most exiting data science challenges across multiple divisions in Saint-Gobain.

In this role, you will:

Be at the heart of the algorithm innovation for Saint-Gobain Be responsible for the development and successful delivery of end-to-end use cases by developing a deep understanding of business needs Benchmark, select and implement relevant algorithms and model designs Generate and transmit data insights to a technical/non-technical audience Bring new tools & techniques as needed Contribute to the local recruitment of Data Scientists


Masters/PhD in mathematics, statistics, computer science, Physics, Engineering, or other relevant technical Fields
0-3 years of experience in Data Science or other quantitative disciplines Competency in developing successful analytics-based solutions to business problemsProven ability in solving ambiguous and highly complex data problems.Proficiency using SQL to query large relational databases and ability to build and maintain processes to extract & integrate data from various sourcesFluency with python and all related libraries Strong Team Player with excellent written and oral communication skills.
Cpf final 4

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Data Scientist H/F
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