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Tech Lead Front-end Developer - Web (Flex/Remote)

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Contenu de l'offre Tech Lead Front-end Developer - Web (Flex/Remote) chez Scaleway

Tech Lead Front-end Developer - Web (Flex/Remote)

About the job
We are looking for a Tech Lead Front-end Developer to join the Front Website team!
The Front Website team is responsible for all of Scaleway’s public websites (excluding Scaleway’s console). Our goal is to strengthen Scaleway’s brand with neat designs, enforce good web practices, deliver state-of-the-art navigation and rely on data to ship meaningful features.
We work in a Scrum framework where the fundamentals are: two weeks sprint, daily stand-ups, retrospectives, etc. At the end of each sprint, we present our work during demos. Communication, peer programming and reviews are important to us.
The team is composed of three Front-end Developers and an Engineering Manager. Alongside the Engineering manager, your role is to ensure the stability of the codebase and bring the KISS thinking anywhere you go. You are also expected to empower team members with your extended web expertise. You are expected to be user-centric and make sure that our work is aligned with business priorities of the company. But we love to learn & experiment new technologies, so innovative and creative minds are more than welcome!

Minimum qualifications

You have a deep knowledge in React, HTML/CSS/Javascript
You love JavaScript ES2018 (ES2015 is a minimum)
You have experience with REST APIs & GraphQL
You have experience with DevOps tools (Docker, Ansible, Gitlab CI, Github Actions)
You have written TESTS after TESTS: unit and functional testing
You are quick to find performance bottlenecks and their solutions
You have a good web knowledge (SEO, a11y, HTML/CSS)
Good spoken and written English

Preferred qualifications

You tend to solve your problems with code, not dependencies
You are familiar with Gatsby & Strapi
You have already used CDN (Cloudflare) & analytics tools (Google Analytics, Google Optimize, Google Tag Manager, Segment)
You have a good understanding of Scaleway’s products or a strong affinity with the cloud ecosystem
You are flexible and able to collaborate with other teams across the company
You know how to use Figma to inspect design layouts
You have a keen eye for design and web design


You will work on all our public websites and the new one to come. Currently, we have six websites under our scope.
- Main showcase website
- Technical documentation
- Developers documentation
- Careers & job advertisement
- Datacenter showcase website
- Blog articles by Scaleway
Guarantee codebase stability and maintainability
Bring your experiences, share it, and help the team to grow
Think about the architecture of a project or complex features. Make sure everyone on the team knows where you want to go and why
Have the final word on the technical side when necessary

Our Technical Stack

Javascript ES6, HTML5, CSS3
React 17 or 18, CSS-in-JS
Jest & React Testing Library
REST & GraphQL (Apollo, Gatsby GraphQL)
Gatsby, Strapi
Most of the projects are Docker containers
Most of the projects are pulled from Registry and deployed with Ansible
1 project on Github Actions
5 projects on Gitlab CI

This position can be either: 
Based in our offices in Paris or Lille (France)
Partially remotetheoti
Fully remote
Based on your profile, the salary for this role is between 66,000 - 83,000 per year
In-office cafeteria for your lunches (Paris office)
Swile card
Thinkpad or Macbook, your choice!
Work in a challenging and very fast-paced environment
Recruitment Process 
Screening call - 30 mins with the recruiter 
Manager Interview - 45 mins
Technical Interviews - 30 mins / 1 hour
Team Interview
Head of Engineering interview - 30 min
HR Interview - 30 mins
Offer sent
We treat every candidate equally in our recruitment process. Even if you don't meet 100% of the job’s requirements, we encourage you to apply and tell us why you would be a good fit!

Questions about this job? Nathalie Tourbay, our Recruitment Team Lead, would be happy to answer your questions.

ðScaleway is a #singular place and we’re looking for #singular people. If you like what you see here and you’ve got a story to tell, we’d love to hear from you.

About Scaleway
Founded in 1999, Scaleway, the cloud of choice, helps developers and businesses to build, deploy and scale applications to any infrastructure.
Located in Paris, Amsterdam and Warsaw, Scaleway’s complete cloud ecosystem is used by 25,000+ businesses, including European startups, who choose Scaleway for its multi-AZ redundancy, smooth developer experience, carbon-neutral data centers and native tools for managing multi-cloud architectures. 
With fully managed offerings for bare metal, containerization and serverless architectures, Scaleway brings choice to the world of cloud computing, offering customers the ability to choose where their customer’s data resides, to choose what architecture works best for their business, and to choose a more responsible way to scale.
We are committed to creating a diverse environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, citizenship, disability, age, or veteran status.

Find out more about working with us on Scaleway’s Career Page.

Paris /
Products Engineering – Front Website - Transversal /
Full-time (long term)
Cpf final 4

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Tech Lead Front-end Developer - Web (Flex/Remote)
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