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Data Scientist Internship

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist Internship chez SESAMm

Paris (75) Stage

At SESAMm, we provide tools for the asset management industry, based on our proprietary big data, artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies. We analyze a huge amount of unstructured textual data extracted from millions of news articles, blogs, forums and social networks in real time. We use this alternative data in combination with standard market data to provide innovative analytics on thousands of financial products across all asset classes, and to develop custom investment strategies using our internal machine learning and statistical expertise. With more than EUR 8M raised since its creation in 2014, major clients across the world, numerous awards won and an exponential team growth, we are expanding quickly in Western Europe, Americas and Asia.

Join SESAMm, an innovative and fast-growing FinTech company!

Our team is looking for a Data Scientist intern:

Internship Goal: you will analyze dataset provided by the NLP team in order to integrate them in predictive models. You will focus on Machine Learning applied to time series.

Major Duties:

Detect patterns, implement tests and evaluate on datasets Perform data preprocessing and feature engineering Understand and generalize Machine Learning models Create a data visualization library on a massive scale Use and evaluate relevant Machine Learning tools Write analysis reports

The duties and responsibilities in this internship description may be subject to change at any time due to reasonable accommodation or other reasons.

Candidate Profile

Education Requirements

Year off internship or last year of a Master’s degree in a quantitative field (mathematics or data science) with strong IT skills

Experience and Skills Requirements

Experience: a first internship in quantitative analysis or Machine Learning is a plus Languages: fluent English speaker with good writing skills, an intermediate level of French would be a plus Software: Good hand on Python, some Machine Learning libraries or other relevant coding skills Strong interest for complex Machine Learning models (supervised & unsupervised, deep learning etc.) In depth knowledge of Machine Learning principles and practices Some knowledge in finance and some experience in Machine Learning with Time Series would be an advantage Basic statistic knowledges Optional: if you have a personal project that could be interesting for your application please attach a link to your github

Job Type: Internship

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