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Data Scientist Operations Manager (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist Operations Manager (H/F) chez Shift Technology

CDI As Data Scientist Operations Manager, you will play a major role in the Data Science team and the overall growth of Shift Technology.
At Shift Technology, we are looking for team players, with a very strong collaborative spirit, unique personalities, passionate and curious individuals!
If you want to work with an international pool of talented people and grow every day with us, come and meet to see if you can become a key player to enable our Hypergrowth.
Our objective: double our revenue each year and become the Global Leader in Tech Insurance Company. Motivation, autonomy, curiosity and a get-things-done mentality are key elements for us!
Design scalable processes and tactical responses to urgent needs to support the Data Science team. Manage large cross-functional projects from design to full deployment (e.g. implementation of new software for BI, scaling and following-up on client deployments, etc.). Demonstrate creativity to challenge current thinking and scale-up our business through creating or optimizing processes and integrating new tools. Gather feedback on team's current process and organization bottlenecks, pains, and opportunities, understand and anticipate the needs. Be the intermediary between the Data Scientists and the other teams we interact with to find the good balance between processes and flexibility. Improve every process from onboarding to Customer Performance Follow-up in order to increase the ROI of Clients, scale Shift’s operations, ensure a smooth implementation of new processes and services supporting the other teams.
Your profile
Masters degree in an engineering school, or university Desire to work on process, organization, and operations Empathic, positive and enthusiast Excellent communication skills (writing and speaking) and teamwork. Programming skills Good analytical and project management skills, yet willing to be on-the-ground to implement ideas and measure the success of your actions Organized, strategic planner with attention to details
Want to know more?
Full-time role, to start asap in Paris 12th (Cour St Emilion) Attractive compensation (depending on profile, experience and expertise) To apply, send us your resume and let us know why we could be a great fit! About Shift Technology
Recognized by Wired as one of Paris’ hottest startups, Shift Technology is using advanced artificial intelligence and data science to change the way insurers think about the claims process. From our Paris HQ and offices in Boston, Tokyo, Singapore, London, Madrid and Zurich, we’re helping our clients spot potential fraud and do something about it. We’re helping them achieve greater efficiency and customer satisfaction through claims automation. In less than five years, we’ve analyzed hundreds of millions of claims on behalf of our nearly 70 clients – companies that represent the who’s who of the global insurance industry. Come find out what Shift Technology is all about!
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Data Scientist Operations Manager (H/F)
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