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Front-end Web Developer (React)

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Contenu de l'offre Front-end Web Developer (React) chez Sketchfab

Sketchfab is all about its users. Whether it is our long-standing community, our Store customers, or one of the many cultural heritage institutions we work with, we want to offer them the best 3D and VR/AR experience on the web. To do so, we are constantly improving our features and creating new ones. We empower our users to discover and use 3D — be it as hobbyist looking for new resources, a company looking for engaging ways to expand its business, or an artist looking for a professional tool. 3D, VR and AR are evolving quickly, and their future on the web is up to us to shape. More human-power will help us get there!


Join our WEB team and develop new features for our Community, Store or Enterprise clients Develop versatile tools, components and interfaces Implement them with our React/Redux/SSR stack Maintain the high quality UX of the platform Enhance the performance of our pages and applications


Detail oriented and sensitive to UI/UX problematics Used to work together with designers and other developers Comfortable working in a UNIX environment Enjoy working with JS Frameworks like React / Redux applied to a large codebase Tech enthusiast, and always eager to discover new tools and technologies


We are creative and share an explorer, curious, art-loving and geeky mindset We are passionate about what we do, and bring to the team our skills, perseverance, dynamism, autonomy and ambition We care about people and the way things are done We have fun, and are comfortable being our true self We are an international and French & English-speaking team The job is based in Paris, and comes with a competitive salary and equity package, depending on your experience. Speaking French is a plus, but not mandatory.
Sketchfab is committed to being a diverse and inclusive workplace. We strongly encourage applicants of different backgrounds, cultures, genders, experiences, abilities and perspectives to apply. Everyone receives consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, physical disability, or length of time spent unemployed.

Sketchfab is empowering a new era of creativity by making it easy for anyone to publish and find 3D content online. With a community of millions of creators who have published millions of models, we are the largest platform for immersive and interactive 3D. Additionally, our store lets buyers and sellers transact 3D models with confidence using our realtime viewer and model inspector. Our technology is integrated with every major 3D creation tool and publishing platform, and is compatible across modern browsers, operating systems, desktop and mobile. We also support VR and AR on compatible hardware. Our robust APIs let developers support direct uploading and downloading of 3D models; and configure our embeddable 3D viewer as needed.
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Front-end Web Developer (React)
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