Offres d'emplois IT development

Full-Stack Web Developer

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Contenu de l'offre Full-Stack Web Developer chez SlateDigital

Full-Stack Developer

As a Full Stack Engineer in our Web IT department, you are in charge of maintaining and optimizing the Slate Digital web applications (subscription, checkout, online sound engineer courses). As a team member you are also responsible for developing new innovative applications based on web audio services. You take an active part in the choice of our technological stack to implement cutting edge tools.

You like to build robust, stable and evolutive applications. You share our commitment to code quality, best practices and user experience. You know what Scrum is and how to apply agile methodologies and you do know that a good team makes a good project. You are an active team player, curious and willing to take initiatives.

You take part in building a high availability platform, running 24×7 and work closely with our marketing and media department in Los Angeles. You join a growing company, ready to take on new challenges and in which you will play a decisive role in setting up strategic projects.

Mission and Profile

Specify, define and implement web services and applications that will meet the needs of Slate Digital. Conceive performant, robust and scalable Frontend & Backend architectures. Be responsible for the application’s lifecycle: deployment, continuous integration, monitoring, maintenance and level 2 support. Ensure delivery quality by implementing unitary tests and end to end integration processes. Set up analytics tools to optimize your applications and facilitate marketing strategy, with a “better insights, better decisions” philosophy Write technical documentation, knowledge base and constantly review best practices Keep an eye on leading-edge technologies and push new ideas through Contribute to the agile methodology by estimating tasks, features to implement and participate actively in the Scrum ceremonies
3 to 5 years of experience as a full stack web developer Professional english (written and spoken), half of the company is in Los Angeles… Be sensitive to user experience and user interface Good knowledge of continuous integration and source control tools Skills in WebAssembly and/or real interest in audio technologies would obviously be a plus

Technological Stack

Kotlin, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL Vue.js, TestCafé CircleCI, Github, AWS, Heroku

The company

Slate Digital is a renowned brand in the music industry. Our products, build upon cutting edge technologies are used by world famous sound engineers. We are an international company whose team is spread between Los Angeles (USA) and Grenoble (France).

You want to join a dynamic team and be part of a growing company with exciting projects ? Welcome aboard ! Take an active part in our (r)evolution !

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Full-Stack Web Developer
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