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Contenu de l'offre WEB DEVELOPER INTERN chez Snello


We are looking for a student looking for a internship (or alternance) in our tech team, with a passion for web applications to help us improve the way people work remotely. You will work with a small and motivated team and make a significant impact on our product.

You should be comfortable with either front- or back-end development (both would be a plus!), and will help in the development and design of our UI. You will be building cool features, and working alongside product management to define our roadmap.

Candidates should be able to demonstrate interest and experience for SaaS and B2B products and technologies.



Developing either the front-end of our apps, used by HR managers and employees alike. ... or the back-end, on both a web server and advanced algorithms that were are developing internally. ... or both if you want a full-stack experience!


Student in computer science or equivalent. Being able to be quickly operational with one among CSS, JavaScript or Python. Exhaustive knowledge isn't required, but you'll need to be a contributor in a small team. Let us know if you have a portfolio or examples of past work, even small school projects!


Your interview experience will go as follows:

Quick 15 minute phone call to see if we are a good fit. A coding exercise in Python or Javascript. This isn't going to be brain teasers, but practical exercises to help us know whether you can hit the ground running. A video or face-to-face chat with the whole team.


Contract Type: Internship Start Date: 01 August 2020 Location: Paris, France (75013) Education Level: BTEC National Diploma Experience: > 6 months Possible partial remote
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