Offres d'emplois IT development

Stage : Web Developer - Intern

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Contenu de l'offre Stage : Web Developer - Intern chez Station F


The Simplest, Most Powerful Way to tackle Responsive Images !

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What you will do

Hi there, we’re TwicPics and we’re looking for an intern!

TwicPics is an image resizing solution as a service. We provide both the infrastructure and the tools developers need to tackle images on the web.

So, yeah, we’re developer-centric. In fact, we are developers. One of us even used to be involved in jQuery back in the days.

What you will do
Right now, we’re looking for an intern to integrate TwicPics into popular frameworks. It means you’ll have to dig quite deep into the entrails of those frameworks, find the most sensible way to plug TwicPics there, and implement it.

You will read code, tweak code, and code code!

Where you will do it
At Station F in Paris: TwicPics is lucky enough to be incubated there.

Station F is not only a stunning building but it’s also chock-full of smart people. There are lectures, presentations, and exchanges on a daily basis on too many topics to even attempt to list them all. And that’s when no president nor ex-president is walking around.

You’ll seat right next to us on the ground floor, a perfect spot to catch presidents when they pass by.

When you will do it
Internship starts on 1st of January 2019 for a duration of 3 months (flexible).

How you will do it
Using your supernatural coding abilities, your stellar communication skills, and your exhaustive knowledge of every single web framework ever created.
Well... at least a scaled down version of that.
We expect you to be proficient in both JavaScript and PHP, to have a taste for GitHub and the open-source, and to be an all-around smart and nice person.

Where to start
Apply on the Job Board ! We’ll reply quickly and, if you seem like a good fit, the whole process will start from there.

TTYS, The TwicPics Team

What we are looking for

We’re looking for an intern to integrate TwicPics into popular frameworks. It means you’ll have to dig quite deep into the entrails of those frameworks, find the most sensible way to plug TwicPics there, and implement it.

Recruitment Process

Apply on the Job Board ! We’ll reply quickly and, if you seem like a good fit, the whole process will start from there.

Additional Information

·  Contract type: Internship (3 to 6 months)
·  Start date: 01 January 2019
·  Location: Paris, France ()
·  Education Level: Bachelor's Degree
·  Experience Level: < 6 months
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Stage : Web Developer - Intern
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