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Contenu de l'offre DATA SCIENTIST INTERN chez

Détails du poste Type de contrat Stage Description du poste


You'll be in charge of extracting and retrieving locations insights from our database for our clients and prospects, at global level

Your typical daily agenda :

retrieve specific data on specific areas, existing networks (for example: all the Mc Donald's in the world) or verticals (for example, all the pizza restaurants in the UK) through python notebooks code specific prediction models for existing and future potential outlets prepare beautiful charts / insights from the data (using the various data visualization libraries in Python and using

Technical stack

Python Python pandas, numpy, matplotlib, etc. Machine learning (scikit learn) SQL / Elasticsearch


You're fluent in written English.
You're not afraid of tough technical challenges, and fast scale up.
You're savy in best practices in coding and how to apply them.
You've reached a good level in at least one of the techs in our stack, and are looking forward improving your skills in at least one another.
You're savy in continuous integration and understand why application and system KPI matters.

The position is remote or with us in Paris, 65 rue de Turbigo.


Interview and technical test


Contract Type: Internship (6 month(s)) Start Date: 11 May 2020 Location: Paris, France (75003) Possible full remote
Cpf final 4

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