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Software developer (Ruby on Rails/Vue) H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Software developer (Ruby on Rails/Vue) H/F chez Veepee

The vente-privee group has consolidated its various European brands, together made up of 6000 employees, under one unified conglomerate: Veepee. This coalescence marks a new chapter in its European history.
With Privalia, vente-exclusive, Designer & Friends, Zlotewyprzedaze, Eboutic and vente-privee, Veepee achieved a 3.7 billion Euro turnover as of 2018. Present in 14 countries now, Veepee is taking a leading role in the European digital commerce landscape.
Our 6000 employees have chosen a job at Veepee to spice up their daily lives! Our teams implement new technologies to fuel our strategies, offering our customers the best possible experience.
Are you eager to learn?
Veepee offers you a variety of trades to develop your career, enabling you to renew your skills constantly. Tech, logistics, sales, marketing, sales production: join us on an exciting, digital-centered journey.
In 2018 we launched <vpTech/> - the IT community of Veepee. Our teams are widely distributed within the offices in Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Nice, Barcelona, Brussels, Warsaw, Amsterdam and Tel-Aviv.

Today we are looking for a new team member in the Data integration team.

It is a product in charge of streamlining the overall production process from the supplier catalogue all the way to Veepee product page. The goal is to transform thousands of raw files sent from suppliers into a standardized format in the most efficient way possible.
The product is a combination of ETL technology (Extract Transform and Load) as well as state of the art web practices for B2B software. In a nutshell, there are many front and back end challenges.

As software for internal usage only, the contact with the end-users are very frequent, enabling to give great responsibility and exposure to everyone within the team.


Develop new and redesign existing features of our products; Suggest on interfaces and other possible improvements that might be done; Write technical documentation; Keep the code clean and review your team members’ designs if needed; Ensure the reliability and scalability of developed applications; Respect the production deadlines; Review the legacy code in order to avoid the production bugs; Handle the technical interviews with other developers willing to join Veepee.

Your profile:

5+ years of experience in software development; Hands-on experience with Ruby; Experience or willingness to work with frameworks like Vue, Ruby on Rails; You are familiar with cloud programming tools and willing to extend your knowledge; You assure the quality of your code with unit and integration tests; You have experience in building APIs or other web services; You are an agile follower and passionate about new technologies; You are result and product-oriented; Your English is good enough to exchange about this job opportunity.

What we offer:

Dynamic and creative environment within international teams Variety of self-education courses on our e-learning platform Participation in meetups and conferences locally and internationally Up to 3 days of remote work per week Video games, beer and quiz parties with colleagues
Belonging to Veepee, <vpTech/> is one of the biggest Tech community in Europe with more than 1000 IT collaborators around Europe.
From Warsaw to Barcelona, through Lyon, Nantes, Lausanne, Tel Aviv, Brussels, Nice, Amsterdam and Paris, all our projects are developed in a functional environment with a wide skills variety where you’ll be sure to find your place, no matter the technology you want to work with.
If you love to try things why don’t you jump on this new adventure?
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Software developer (Ruby on Rails/Vue) H/F
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