Offres d'emplois IT development

Data Scientist Trainee

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist Trainee chez Veolia


is a digital offering that gives clients access to all of Veolia's
expertise in the water cycle field, for optimal and permanent monitoring of their installation. The AQUAVISTA
digital suite offers all professionals and communities a coherent and effective solution to improve the environmental impact and the performance of their water treatment installation.
provides a a web-based portal, entirely built on AWS (using IaaS, managed services and serverless), highy automated and resilient, using IoT data coming through Data Lake, and offering online digital services such as remote monitoring, advanced analytics, performance optimization algorithms, remote assistance, auto-piloting, ...
Artificial Intelligence, and more precisely Machine Learning, is therefore a major component of the platform, likely to keep growing.

Essential Functions & Responsibilities

We are looking for a Data Scientist Trainee that will help us discover the information hidden in vast amounts of data, and help us make smarter decisions to deliver even better products. Your primary focus will be in applying data mining techniques, doing statistical analysis, and building high quality prediction models integrated with our products.
Main contribution:

-Participate in the development of new models
Data mining
Process, cleanse, and verify the integrity of data used for analysis
Select features, build and optimize classifiers using machine learning techniques
Run ad-hoc analysis and present results in a clear manner
- Participate in the industrialization and improvement of existing models
Run anomaly detection and constantly track performance
Monitor model drift and retrain when required
Improve algorithms
- Participate in technology watch team effort

- Development of various prototypes around machine learning, image processing, neural
networks, etc.

Profil recherché - Compétences requises

Required skills
Good understanding of machine learning techniques and algorithms (supervised,
unsupervised, reinforcement)
Good applied statistics skills, such as distributions, statistical testing, regression, ...
Experience with common data science languages and frameworks (Python, R, NumPy, Scikit, Pandas, MxNet, TensorFlow, Prophet, Keras, ...)
Experience with data visualisation tools.
Experience with AWS AI services
Experience with databases (relational, NoSQL) and related query languages and frameworks (SQL, Presto, Hive, …)
Experience working with AWS Cloud Services
Experience creating and using advanced machine learning algorithms and statistics: regression, simulation, scenario analysis, modeling, clustering, decision trees, neural networks, etc.

Desired Characteristics
Data-oriented personality
Team Player & Sharing Mindset
Fluent English
Strong problem solving skills with an emphasis on product development.
Comfortable with Agile, DevOps, Lean Startup
Both Technology and Business Minded
Strong Oral and Written Communication Skills
Able to Anticipate, Identify, and Resolve Complex Technical Issues
Able to Quickly Skill Up on Any Technology or Business Topic


Administrateur Systèmes / Réseau / Telecom / Data


France-Val-de-Marne-ST MAURICE

Poste publié depuis le

28 août 2020, 11:31:49

Type de contrat

Contrat d'alternance -

Temps de travail

Temps plein


Non cadre Niveau d'étude Licence/L3/M1/DPECF/DECF/DECSF
Cpf final 4

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Data Scientist Trainee
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