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Développeur Front-End H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Développeur Front-End H/F chez VO2 Group

VO2 Group recherche …
Who are they?
VO2 Group is a global force in digital transformation focused on the customer experience.

Our clients are international brands in retail, luxury, banking, insurance and industry... We work with half of the CAC40 (in particular LVMH, Renault, Bouygues, BNP) and startups like Mirakl, Younited Credit or InsideBoard.

We are GPTW, Growth Champion - Les Echos, and we received the Syntec / KPMG customer relationship award in 2020. Our ambition is to become the leading independent French technology group.

Our Client is engaged in an ambitious API First transformation in 2018 to increase the overall IT agility and enable differentiating customer experiences. The number of APIs has been growing rapidly since then.

The need of an API Referential emerged in 2021, with detailed requirements definition, solution definition and implementation start (V0).

The goal of this mission is to accelerate the delivery of the API Referential application due to : increased regulatory pressure the overall need to scale API First approach to meet the above business needs

In this context, the mission consists in integrating the development team of the API Referential and contributing to :
- The development user stories for the Front UI, aligned with Craftmanship best practices (clean code, TDD, BDD, SOLID), hexagonal architecture, Sonar rules CIB famework (Xamantha)
- Delivering high quality code, tested, performant and production ready
- Participating to agile ceremonies
- With a DevOps approach : build the CI including test automation, contribute to deployment pipelines
- With an API First and Design first approach : OAS V3 design aligned with CIB Guidelines, code generation from OAS
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Développeur Front-End H/F
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