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Senior Data Scientist Consultant

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Scientist Consultant chez WeSmart

Company Introduction - WeSmart

WeSmart offers a digital platform and data collection services from smart meters in order to manage renewable energy communities. WeSmart brings together human intelligence, collective participation and technologies to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. We are participating in the energy revolution by providing solutions for energy communities. Founded by specialists with long experience in the energy and environment sector as software engineers, data experts and strategic consultants, WeSmart works in co-creation with its clients.

Our team is present in Belgium and France and is constantly growing and looking for new talent.


Job Description - Senior Data Scientist Consultant

WeSmart is looking for senior data scientists’ consultants to help our customers to synthesise and leverage their dataset of energy data, using the techniques and algorithms developments best suited for solving the challenging problems of energy management.

What you’ll be doing:

Your main mission will consist of working with our customers. You will be building data-fueled products that help our customers to improve energy solutions. This role will engage you with the business by addressing strategic and tactical questions through the use of data analytics and data visualisation analysis. You will provide insight into leading analytic practices, design and lead iterative learning and development cycles, and ultimately produce new and creative analytic solutions.

You will work with cross-functional team members to identify and prioritise actionable, high-impact insights across a variety of core business areas for our customers. You will research, design, implement and validate cutting-edge algorithms to analyse diverse sources of data to achieve targeted outcomes.

As data scientist, you will provide expertise on mathematical concepts for the broader applied analytics team and inspire the adoption of advanced analytics and data science across the entire breadth of our organisation.

Who we’re looking for:

You’re passionate about asking and answering questions in large datasets, and you are able to communicate that passion to product managers and engineers. You have a keen desire to solve business problems, and live to find patterns and insights within structured and unstructured data. You propose analytics strategies and solutions that challenge and expand the thinking of everyone around you.

You desire a fast paced, test-driven, collaborative and iterative engineering environment. You love learning, data, scale and agility. You excel at making complex concepts simple and easy to understand by those around you. You’re driven to show the world the power of applied analytics.

Qualifications, experience and skills

Master or PhD in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, Operations Research or any related field A minimum of 4 years of working experience as a data scientist or in analytics Strong programming skills such as Java and/or Python Minimum of 2 years’ experience in machine learning Minimum of 2 years’ experience in team management Knowledge of statistical modelling and data mining is required Knowledge of statistical tools such SAS, R, Matlab, … is required Professional experience in the energy sector is preferred Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Strong analytical competencies and excellent creative problem-solving skills Fluent in French and English

Interested ? Apply and let’s meet.

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Senior Data Scientist Consultant
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