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Chef de Projet CRM / CRM Strategy & Go To Market Specialist

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Contenu de l'offre Chef de Projet CRM / CRM Strategy & Go To Market Specialist chez Amplifon

We are looking for a skilled and ambitious talent to implement CRM Strategy in French market.

You will support the Head of CRM with cross-channel activities, from conceptualization to analysis and execution, and proactively provide insights and suggest actions to improve the value of CRM communications.

The position sought includes the following activities:

Strategy set up
: Contribute to define a strategic CRM plan base on 1 to 1 personalisation, across all customer journey in order to guarantee the achievement of objectives Go to Market: Campaigns project management from beginning to end, ensuring they meet the target objectives Deliver a personalized experience based on 1 to 1 CRM strategy Ensure campaigns are delivered on time and within budget In charge of creatives and personalization of relevant messages to engage with different audiences Monitoring and continuous optimization: Constantly monitor CRM contents performance, create report on campaign ROI and making recommendations for global improvements. Identify all elements of boost performance across the conversion funnel to ensure constant maximization of the ROI and the contribution of CRM to total revenues Management 1 dedicated trainee to manage

What you'll need

Previous experience in CRM and contact plan management. Knowledge of marketing and CRM best practices, processes and tools, in highly customer-oriented organizations. Attitude for KPI monitoring, experience working with data and analytics Be interested in the Creative part of the job and “Curiosity” / “Courage” to test and learn Ability to develop and implement CRM best practices Excellent verbal (and written) communication skills, and a good level of English

What we offer

While this is a highlight of what you’ll do, what you’ll get is pretty great too:

Career path planning & mentorship The opportunity to make the difference in a global company International project experience Creative and Flexible work environment An amazing team of colleagues and leaders
Cpf final 4

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Chef de Projet CRM / CRM Strategy & Go To Market Specialist
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