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Corporate Strategy Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Corporate Strategy Manager H/F chez Aquantis Consulting

Aquantis Consulting recherche …
We're looking for a Corporate Strategy Manager to BE based in the heart of Paris, to join a global leader in manufacturing high value products for the automotive, aerospace, packaging industries.

- The Corporate Strategy team is responsible for :\tThe company Long Term Plan process, performed on an annual basis.
- M&A activities (Acquisitions, Divestitures, Joint Ventures) and other types of negotiations.
- Analysis of markets, customers, supply chain and competitors.
- Business development support.
- Ad'hoc support to Business Units on strategic and operational topics.
- The Corporate Strategy Manager will :\tSupport Corporate Strategy Initiatives with various strategic studies/projects for Business Units and Corporate, as well as for special M&A assignments.
- BE the primary project support for ongoing corporate and BU assignments.
- Market and competitor analysis to support strategic decision making.
- Support in the annual long term planning process.
Cpf final 4

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Corporate Strategy Manager H/F
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