Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Directeur Marketing Global H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Directeur Marketing Global H/F chez Biocodex

Gentilly (94)

CDD (6 mois)

We are looking for a GLOBAL MARKETING DIRECTOR for a determined period of 6 month, starting November 2019.
Global marketing departments is structured in 6 teams in charge of : branding and strategy, innovation, trade marketing, new products lunch, business analyses and events.

The defined mission is to insure the continuity of the global marketing department : ongoing projects and people management”

Among the ongoing projects:
2020 – 2022 business global plan development Develop strong and differentiated WW brands to win on probiotic category Launch new skusAssessment of the new business opportunities. Support for affiliates & partners top priority country and ensure marketing strategy communication

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Cpf final 4

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Directeur Marketing Global H/F
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