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Contenu de l'offre GROWTH AND MARKETING SPECIALIST chez Blendeez

Paris (75)


We’re seeking someone to lead our Growth Marketing efforts. You will own the strategy for increasing awareness and generating sales from all social platforms - Twitter, Linkedin, FB, etc. You should be skilled at guerrilla marketing - generating trending topics, reaching out to influencers, and using automation tools to scale your impact.

Your main missions will be:

Ideating and writing posts on social networks to educate the world about the value of software orchestration Identifying, organizing and coordinating events for the community and early adopters Analyzing conversion data to set up the best performing channels Designing and building automation systems to track/scale these efforts Overseeing marketing department. Working with sales department to develop pricing strategies to maximize profits and market share while balancing customer satisfaction. Supporting sales and lead generation efforts.


2+ years of experience scaling marketing at fast growing companies. Phenomenal writer, able to take complex or technical topics and distill them into concise, persuasive messaging. Innate sense of how to create content that resonates Team Player Eager to be highly experimental and have a grasp for how to apply both quantitative and qualitative criteria to determine what is and isn't working.


1 meeting + technical test with the CTO
Welcome aboard (2h max)
Salary based on experience


Contract Type: Full-Time Start Date: 02 March 2020 Location: Paris, France (75013) Education Level: Bachelor's Degree Experience: > 2 years Possible full remote
Cpf final 4

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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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