Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

CCEE - Channel Marketing Specialist B2B (m/f/d)

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Contenu de l'offre CCEE - Channel Marketing Specialist B2B (m/f/d) chez Canon

CCEE - Channel Marketing Specialist B2B (m/f/d)

Position Description:

As Regional Channel Marketing Specialist B2B you play a central role in ensuring an aligned and effective promotion of Canon B2B products across the region. You will actively support the implementation of regional marketing activities to ensure a strong visibility of our brand and our product line up.

Position Requirements:

Administer the channel marketing budget at CCEE level
Develop marketing programmes and campaigns to promote Canon Office solutions via the Partner landscape
Drive the regional implementation of channel marketing plans
Coordinate channel partner campaign implementation
Manage showroom and experience centre activities
Ensure effective branding and localisation of channel marketing materials
Organise and drive the implementation of partner training sessions
Follow marketing trends and contribute to the continuous development of our marketing activities
Support the Canon Partner Programme implementation

Identification de l'emploi:
CCEE Austria

Niveau d'emploi
Catégorie d'emploi:
CDI à temps plein

Cpf final 4

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CCEE - Channel Marketing Specialist B2B (m/f/d)
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