Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

International Communication Manager

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Contenu de l'offre International Communication Manager chez Evereden Search

You wish to join a high end and luxury skin care brand.

The role is attractive as you create 360 communications activations plans with Influence, PR, Social Media and Events for an international scope.

As China and Asia are the number one market it is key to understand these market needs.

You will join an entrepreneurial team in a small to medium sized company, you have the sense of initiative and know how to be reactive and adaptable in a fast growing environment.

You will report to the international Marketing & Communication Manager.

Experience required: 3 years

Salary estimation: 36 to 42 000 euros.

Contract: CDI

Head quarter : Paris center

Start Date: September


The brand is a combination of French and Japanese expertise.

An innovative anti-aging skincare line, with a strong focus on Asian markets.

Your Key Missions: work closely with Marketing & Communication Director to create and build the visual and editorial identity of the brand.Participate to identify brand pillars. Oversee content creation and guarantee brand equity and image in all markets.You create 360 communications plans for new launches: Press, Influence, Event, E commerce, Social Media.

Profil Requirements:
You have a master degree in Marketing, Communication or Digital.

3 years of experience in communication, and know how to manage Creative/ Advertising/PR/Influence/Media agencies.

You understand well the beauty and luxury industry.

You have worked on a global scale and with Asian markets.

Personality fit: autonomous and dynamic, always looks to innovate and try new ideas, likes to work in small team.

Languages: English fluent mandatory, French mandatory, Chinese or Japanese or Russian would be an advantage.

Feel free to send your application!

Thank you

#Evereden #Digital #Communication #Beauty #Luxury
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International Communication Manager
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