Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Strategic Partner Manager - News (France)

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Contenu de l'offre Strategic Partner Manager - News (France) chez Facebook

Description du poste

Establish strong partnership relations by understanding and supporting business, content and social strategiesTrack, analyse, and communicate key quantitative metrics and develop and execute against partnership goalsBecome the primary point of contact for and maintain strong direct relationships with Facebook's key partnersBe an internal advocate for News partnersParticipate in industry events including conferences, workshops and presentationsBuild strong cross-functional relationships within Facebook, working across timezones and departments

Description du profil

BA/BS degree requiredExtensive experience in the media industry, preferably within news organisations, with focus on digital news and partnershipsFluency in French and English is essentialSophisticated experience in social media and digital media industriesExperience leading pan-regional or global projectsWilling to wear multiple hats, able to deliver high-quality results in an ambiguous and rapidly changing business environmentExcellent communicator with strong analytical skills and business sense
Cpf final 4

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Strategic Partner Manager - News (France)
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