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Contenu de l'offre HEAD OF MARKETING / MARKETING DIRECTOR chez إتوال

Paris (75)

Job Location: Paris

The Head of Marketing / Marketing Director will act as a brand ambassador for the brand and must engage existing clients and gain new ones through online and social media platforms and innovative forms of communication as well as developing and running offline Above the line (ATL) and Below the line (BTL) activities aimed to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Main Responsibilities

Social Community Development and Management Websites management Online and Offline Above the line (ATL) and Below the line (BTL) activities Customer database – Implementation of a CRM program Market Analysis

Ideal candidate:

Min 7-10 years in a similar role with global market experience University Degree in Business or Marketing Preferably based in Paris

Send us your resumes on with email subject as “Head of Marketing / Marketing Director – Application.”

Cpf final 4

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