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Contenu de l'offre IoT Marketing Manager chez I-Prince

Puteaux (92) CDI 70 000 € - 80 000 € par an

The position consists of managing the IoT Marketing services.

You’ll have global operational marketing tasks as:

 Production and update of web content on our websites

 Production of white papers in link with Product Marketing & Technical teams

 Presentation in conferences

 Relations with analysts

 Management of social networks as Twitter, LinkedIn or websites specialised in IoT

 Understanding regulatory aspects related to the legal issues and potential discussions witt administration and regulatory bodies across the world You’ll have Business Development activities:

 Management of strategic partnerships with vendors module, chipset vendors, integrators, equipment manufacturers ...

 Market intelligence This position requires to manage a small growing team overtime

Profil recherché

Graduate with a degree in engineering, you also have experience and training in Business / Marketing and a passion for new technologies. You have already managed a team and have at least 5 years’ experience in a position of Marketing Manager in Telecoms universe Required skills:  Analysis and abstraction comprehension

 problem solving

 creativity This position requires both internal and external communication skills for requirements gathering and to convince customer/users on the merits of the product roadmap. You speak English fluently (multilingual team).

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Salaire : 70 000,00€ à 80 000,00€ /an


iot marketing manager ou similaire: 6 ans (Souhaité)
Cpf final 4

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IoT Marketing Manager
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