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Contenu de l'offre Product Marketing Manager chez Inova Software

Lyon (69)

Job Overview

The Product Marketing Manager (PMM) leads the story of our product & platform. The PMM plays an integral role in organizing product launches. They are the glue that binds our product strategy to the tactics we need to drive success and to achieve results through our product & platform. An ability to grasp and present our product’s value proposition in a way that resonates and clearly articulates how we solve our buyers’ problems is critical.

Responsibilities and Duties

Create go-to-market plans, translating technical details and features into story telling that resonate with customers and differentiates our product in the market Orchestrate the successful execution of product launches, synchronizing launch calendars, presentations, timelines and documentations with Product Managers, CSM, Marketing and Sales teams Craft standardized product materials, including appealing presentations, case studies, email campaigns, product videos, website copy, blog posts, and in-app messages and notifications Be the market expert conducting competitor analysis, market research, and work closely with the Sales team to inform the strategic positioning of the product to customers, partners, and market influencers Be a product expert. Always seek out opportunities to upgrade your understanding and product expertise Help to recruit customers and to educate internal teams about our product features and their benefits with our Product Managers.


At ease with data & technology: you’re not afraid of web analytics tools like Google Analytics or other data tools A good communicator: must be a strong speaker, comfortable in front of large, senior groups, and a solid writer A team player with excellent people and management skills to interact with staff, colleagues, cross-functional teams and third parties Able to craft content: design and copywriting knowledge is a plus as you will be expected to develop content and build product pages Comfortable with working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment Experience in a previous product marketing position is a significant advantage Fluent in English
Cpf final 4

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Product Marketing Manager
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