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Pricing & Marketing Tools IS Manager (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Pricing & Marketing Tools IS Manager (H/F) chez Lyreco

Pricing & Marketing Tools IS Manager (H/F)

At Lyreco we all share a common goal to strive for passion, excellence, respect and agility. We are proud to be the European leader and the third largest distributor of workplace products and services in the world
We are committed to the development of our employees and we aim to achieve that by creating a culture that inspires and empowers.
Are you seeking a new challenge? This offer might be for you!

In charge of the commercial applications domain within the IS Group, the Pricing & MarketingTools Manager is responsible of the solutions and the services portfolio with respect to the users, the IS Department, and the Group. He/she guarantees the adequacy between the solutions implemented and the needs expressed by the business representatives. He/she is the interface between the business representative, the management committee (sponsors) and the IT teams. With his team, he develops and maintains solutions and services in line with business re²quirements and processes in adequation with IS architecture guidelines.
He/she manages and coaches one or more internal (and external) teams. He/she sets individual objectives to meet the objectives set by the company. He/she is responsible for ensuring that his/her team complies with the Group's quality and safety rules and policies.
He/she coordinates the technological watch in relation to his/her field of application.


Leads the planning, implementation and optimization of the applications for which he/she is responsible (application development lifecycle)
Participates in the management of the IS performance
Promotes the IS cartography through communication activities
Anticipates changes and their impacts on the IS in conjunction with the domain architects
Contributes to the development of the strategic IS plan
Contributes to the choice of new solutions that meet the company's needs, in line with the IS architecture recommendations and more globally with the IS strategy.


Ensures the availability, performance and quality of operation of the applications under his/her responsibility is maintained through appropriate actions
Ensures the measurement of usage and quality of service indicators in order to monitor the use and satisfaction of users with regard to the IS
Ensures the respect of the rules of implementation and use of the IS in accordance with the norms and standards of the company, and in accordance with the defined service contracts.
Is responsible for the creation and maintenance by his/her teams and architects of the functional and technical documentation of the applications
Is responsible for the control and use of the applications
Participates in controlling the operating costs of the information system


Ensures that incidents and user requests are taken care of until they are resolved (level 2 and 3 application support)
Participates in the reduction of user requests by promoting documentation, autonomy and automation of request processing
Informs on technical evolutions of applications and services


Coordinates, manages, and leads the staff of his department
Defines the objectives of the members of his/her team, organizes regular reviews and evaluations at the end of the year
Promotes the growth and development of the skills of his/her staff


Plans and controls the activities of the entity
Distributes the workload according to the forecasted evolution of the workforce and skills of his/her entity
Defines the needs in terms of resources and skills and ensures that these needs are in line with the capacity of the team

Qualifications and Skills

Personal qualification

Always demonstrates the Lyreco values. Excellence, Respect, Agility, Passion
High energy level, stress resistant with positive open mindset

Professional qualification

Minimum 5 years’ experience in IT applications and solutions development

Professional skills & abilities

Good knowledge of functional domain he/she is in charge
Experience and awareness of agile software development methodology,
Great communication skills – discussing and consulting problems with team members,
Willingness to develop your career as a leader
Good interpersonal skills and natural leadership
Communicative English

Technical skills

Proven experience with OOP best in .NET or JAVA
Proven experience with Databases,
Proven experience with delivery of solution architecture


Location: Valenciennes; Gdansk_LM

Type: Full time

Cpf final 4

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Pricing & Marketing Tools IS Manager (H/F)
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